
The 2025 A-Day Logo
Save the Date!
Friday, April 25: 12 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Saturday, April 26: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Sunday, April 27: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Admission is free. Parking is $20 cash only. 

A-Day Vendors set up on the quad
Something for Everyone!

Kids Activities: Pig races, farm animal education, interactive demonstrations ranging from animals to blacksmithing, inflatable obstacles courses, hayrides, music, food, fun and more. 

Food Trucks, Vendors, Tractor Parade, and Fair 

Legendary Milkshakes from PA Dairymen's Association Milkshakes (yes, the same milkshakes from the PA Farm Show)!

Register for the A-DaY alumni Picnic

A-Day Vendors set up on the quad
Attention Crafters and Vendors

We invite your company to attend our three-day event to advertise and promote or sell products/crafts via an exhibit booth.

Crafter/Vendor Application and Info  

Indoor vendors are at capacity. Only outdoor spots are available.

Online Payment and Reservation

Please fill out the below waiver and email to adayvendors@delval.edu.

A-Day DelVal Facility Use Waiver

We are at full capacity for food trucks. 

Cupcakes are designed with decorative sprinkles on a tray.
A-Day Fair Entries

Anyone may enter to win at the A-Day Fair! Students, faculty, staff and anyone from Bucks County and beyond!

Looking for baked goods, canning, decorating, floral arrangements, sewing, embroidery, plant growing, animals and much more! It’s easy, just:

  • Find the category(ies) you want to enter
  • Fill out the entry form
  • Deliver your entry(ies) on Thursday, April 24th to the Life Sciences Building (LSB)

NOTE: Only one entry per category per person. There will be no egg entries this year due to avian disease concerns.

DROP-OFF HOURS: All fair entries can be dropped off in the Life Sciences Building Lobby accessed from the main entrance on Thursday, April 24, 5 p.m. - 8 p.m, and Friday, April 25, 7 a.m. - 9 a.m.

Click here for A-Day Fair Entry Form

Have questions? Email: aday@delval.edu

History of A-Day

The first A-Day was held May 21, 1949 on the campus of the National Agricultural College. At that time, A-Day was a single day when the students of the college worked together to showcase various agricultural displays and exhibits. Today the tradition continues with the hard work and dedication of the students of Delaware Valley University. The entire event is planned and implemented by the students with minimal guidance from the university’s staff, faculty, and administration. Since 2004, A-Day has been part of the Pennsylvania State Association of County Fairs. Members of the university and local community are invited to enter their food items, artwork, or handicrafts for judging in the fair.


While we love animals here at Delaware Valley University, we ask that you leave your pets at home for the day. This is policy is due to concerns of biosecurity and the health of our livestock. Service animals are welcome. 

Parking - $20 Cash Only

Prices (1 ticket = $1)

Mechanical Bull  8 tickets   Milkshakes  $8
40ft Obstacle Course 5 tickets   Water $1
Giant Slide  4 tickets      
Animal Kingdom Obstacle Course 4 tickets      
Pony Ride 10 tickets      
Hay Ride 2 tickets      
Balloon Animals 5 tickets      
Contact the A-Day Committee:
A-Day Team

Delaware Valley University

700 E. Butler Ave.

Doylestown, Pa. 18901

Vendors and Crafters please e-mail: adayvendors@delval.edu