Dr. Broc Sandelin

Dr. Broc Sandelin's headshot. His is attire is professional.
Sandelin, Ph.D.
Dean of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

Dr. Sandelin joined California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, in 2005. He served as an associate professor before becoming chair of the Animal and Veterinary Sciences Department in 2010. Dr. Sandelin has served in additional interim leadership roles while continuing to serve as department chair, including serving as interim director of the W.K. Kellogg Arabian Horse Center, a campus breeding facility, and interim chair of the Human Nutrition and Food Science Department.

As a department chair, he was responsible for strategic planning, assisting with fundraising, curriculum development, and assessment. He also led recent facilities upgrades including a remodel of student farm dorm rooms, classrooms, and offices at the livestock-teaching units; a remodel of the swine facility; and upgrades to the sheep and beef units. He was recognized twice with the Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award in recognition of his dedicated service to students. To encourage and inspire young people to enter careers in agriculture, Dr. Sandelin has given numerous 4-H and FFA talks. His research has examined topics such as how feed impacts animal health and how genes influence animal behavior.

As dean, Dr. Sandelin will oversee all academic-related matters for the School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, including program development, evaluation, faculty development, strategic planning, and budgeting.

Dr. Sandelin earned both his M.S. and his Ph.D. in animal science from the University of Arkansas.