We can offer you various residential options that will help you connect with the campus community while supporting your academic success throughout your DelVal career. Scroll down to review information for each residence hall.
Virtual Hall Tours: Don't forget to click on the virtual tour links below, found within the residence hall descriptions! The tours provided are excellent representations of most residence hall spaces within a building, but they do not represent all rooms in a given building.
What to Bring to Campus
This packing list includes some basic items that may make the experience a more positive one. The Residence Life staff suggests that you bring the minimum needs when you first move in and see what works best for you and your roommate(s) as the semester progresses.
As you plan for your move to campus, review our New Students page for lists of:
- Items to bring to campus and what to leave at home.
- Informative tips from current students
- A variety of ideas that will make your transition a positive one - visit delval.dormify.com/move-in to get move-in day ready and create your "dream dorm!"
Still have questions?
Email us at housing@delval.edu and we will be happy to help!
Barness Hall and Cooke Hall are traditional residence halls with community bathrooms and laundry facilities in nearby Segal, Work, or Centennial Hall. These buildings have mixed-gendered floors and house students of all class years. The buildings are designed to encourage engagement among residents and, like all residence halls, they are close to the dining hall, the gym, and academic support services.
Centennial Hall is a suite-style residence hall with semi-private bathrooms in each suite. There is a one-bedroom suite as well as two and three-bedroom suites available, and all include a common room. Amenities include a computer and TV lounge, air conditioning, laundry facilities, and a fitness room.
Take a virtual tour of a two-bedroom suite
Take a virtual tour of a three-bedroom suite
Similar to Barness and Cooke Halls, Ulman is a traditional residence hall with community bathrooms and laundry facilities in nearby Segal, Work, or Centennial Hall. Ulman has single-gendered floors and houses first-year students only. The design of this building encourages engagement among residents and, like all residence halls, is close to the dining hall, the gym, and academic support services.
Similar to Barness and Cooke Halls, Work Hall is a traditional residence hall with community bathrooms but is single-gender by floor. Work Hall houses students of all class years. Amenities include laundry facilities and a fitness room. The design of this building encourages engagement among residents and, like all residence halls, this hall is close to the dining hall, the gym, and academic support services.
Berkowitz is a traditional residence hall with community bathrooms and laundry facilities. First floor Berkowitz is all female and the second floor is mixed-gendered. The design of these buildings encourage engagement among residents and, like all residence halls, this hall is close to the dining hall, the gym, and academic support services.
Take a virtual tour of the first floor of Berkowitz Hall
Take a a virtual tour of the second floor of Berkowitz Hall
Samuel and Goldman are both traditional residence halls with community bathrooms, laundry facilities (in Samuel), and computer lounges. Both house all class years, and are mixed-gendered. However, the first floor of Samuel is all male, and the first floor of Goldman is all female. These buildings encourage engagement among residents and, like all residence halls, are close to academic support services.
South Hall is a suite-style residence hall with semi-private bathrooms in each suite. There are two-bedroom suites available, and all include a common room. Amenities include a computer and TV lounge, air conditioning, laundry facilities, and a fitness room.
Take a virtual tour for South Hall