21st Century Girls Program Explores Plant Science Careers

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Dr. Jackie Ricotta, a Delaware Valley University professor, traveled to Corry, Pennsylvania, on Monday, June 24, to speak with participants in the 21st Century Girls program.

She talked with the girls about what college is like and provided a lecture on seeds, germination, and agriculture. Dr. Ricotta had the participants look at a variety of types of seeds and mount them on cardboard. She also had soaked seeds available so that the girls could dissect them and learn about how they grow into plants.

The 21st Century Girls program is designed to give girls a chance to explore a variety of career paths. Some of the other presentations at the event looked at business and entrepreneurship, healthcare and cybersecurity.

"I enjoyed meeting the girls and talking with them about careers in plant science," said Dr. Ricotta. "Plant science is an area that I would love to see more young people consider as they think about their career paths. I love talking with young people about the science of agriculture and the variety of exciting careers that are available within agriculture."