Delaware Valley University and Pennsylvania Horse Racing Association Announce Return of Live Foal Cams on Campus

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The Partnership Allows Viewers to Experience the Entire Foaling Process Showcasing DelVal Students Caring for Mares and Foals

For the second year in a row, the Pennsylvania Horse Racing Association (PHRA) partnered with Delaware Valley University (DelVal) and Whysper Wynd Farm to provide a livestream view of expectant mares as they prepare to give birth to their foals. With several foal cameras installed at DelVal's breeding facilities and at Whysper Wynd Farm in Chester Springs, viewers will have access to a live view of the birth of five foals (three from DelVal and two from Whysper Wynd Farm). Now through the end of March, DelVal's foal cameras can be viewed free of charge on the PHRA's website at

DelVal is expecting 11 foals to be born this year, three of which will be showcased on the live cams. "Viewers will get to see a unique part of DelVal's Equine Science and Management program, which is the opportunity for our students to be integrally involved in the whole foaling process," said Dr. Cory Kieschnick, chair of the department of Equine Science and Management. "They'll see how involved our students are in every aspect of care and management for both the mare and the foal, a reflection of the strong emphasis of hands-on learning in all of our programs here at DelVal."

Dr. Kieschnick says that viewers will see the students in and out of the foaling stalls checking on the mares, and they'll see the students present and helping in the process when the foals are born. "Viewers will also get to see the first day of the foal's life, along with the students' role throughout the day," Dr. Kieschnick adds.

Each year, DelVal has a tradition of creating a new naming convention for all the foals, and the University is excited to reveal that this year's naming convention is "trees". The first foal, affectionately referred to as a sapling in coordination with the theme this year, is expected to be delivered at DelVal on February 18. Other mare's due dates extend through early April.

"A big benefit of this partnership is that DelVal's Equine Science and Management program can truly showcase what we do here and our strengths in experiential learning. It's also a great opportunity for people to see the whole foaling process when they wouldn't otherwise have the chance. We had great feedback from last year's foal cams, and we're excited to share this immersive hands-on experience with the public again," explained Dr. Kieschnick.

To view the live stream foal cameras at Delaware Valley University and Whysper Wynd Farm visit, For additional coverage and updates, follow @delvalequine on social media.

Foaling at Delaware Valley University, baby horse
Credit: Delaware Valley University.