Delaware Valley University Elects Two New Trustees
The Delaware Valley University (DelVal) Board of Trustees has announced two new members of the Board. Julia Lorenz ’23 will serve as a Young Alumni Trustee and Kellie McGowan, Partner, Obermayer Maxwell Rebmann & Hippel LLP, is a Trustee.
Kellie is a lifelong resident of Bucks County. She earned a B.A. in political science and environmental studies from Muhlenberg College and a J.D. from Temple University. Now a partner at Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel LLP in the Business & Finance Department Doylestown office, Kellie co-chairs the Land Use and Zoning team. Kellie’s law practice focuses on a broad range of real estate, zoning and land use matters, including: representing clients in real estate transactions; obtaining subdivision and land development approvals for residential, commercial, and industrial developments; and securing zoning hearing board relief for residential and commercial properties. Kellie is currently a member of the Council of the Real Property Probate and Trust Law section of the Pennsylvania Bar Association.
Kellie is the mother of two children and an active member of the community. She serves as a commissioner-appointed director on the Board of Directors of the Bucks County Conservation District. She also serves as the Board secretary of Lenape Valley Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit that offers behavioral health services to children and adults throughout Bucks and Montgomery counties. Kellie is a member of the Park and Recreation Board of Doylestown Township, where she resides.
“I am honored to join the Trustees in service to Delaware Valley University. As a lifelong resident of Doylestown, I believe that the University is an important part of our community. I hope to work to further strengthen its relationships in the community in a way that positively impacts our students’ educational experience,” said McGowan.
Each year, the University’s Board of Trustees selects a member of the most recent graduating senior class to help engage young alumni and provide new ideas. The Young Alumni Trustee (YAT) serves a two-year term on the Board, with the same rights and privileges as any other Trustee. The YAT enhances the diversity of the Board and brings fresh perspectives while strengthening the Board’s relationships with current students and young alumni. The Board of Trustees recognizes the strength of this year’s candidate pool and appreciates all of those who expressed interest in the Young Alumni Trustee opportunity.
At DelVal, Julia earned her bachelor’s degree in animal science. She served as the A-Day committee president, vice-president of Block & Bridle, a Dairy Science Center student worker, resident assistant, ag ambassador, and laboratory assistant. She is known by her peers and professors for her commitment to academic success and enthusiasm for learning, and has recently committed to the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine to pursue her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Julia has demonstrated business and leadership skills through her involvement at DelVal, and as the co-owner of an apiary and her own livestock services business.
“I am honored to serve as a voice for current students and recent alumni as the newest Young Alumni Trustee. DelVal has provided me with countless opportunities, fond memories, and lifelong friends,” said Lorenz. “In my time on the Board, I hope to help perpetuate that for students in years to come.”