DelVal President to Moderate a Session on Diversity at the 2021 National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) Winter Policy Conference

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Dr. Maria Gallo will serve as the moderator for, “Equity at the Table: Committing to Diversity in Food and Agriculture Policymaking,” on Feb. 23.

Delaware Valley University President Dr. Maria Gallo will help facilitate a discussion on diversity and equity at the 2021 National Association of State Departments of Agriculture Winter Conference. Dr. Gallo will be the moderator for, “Equity at the Table: Committing to diversity in food and agriculture policymaking,” which will examine ways of dismantling systemic racism in the nation’s food and agriculture systems.

The 2021 NASDA Winter Policy Conference, “Together at the Table,” runs from Feb. 22 through Feb. 25 and will be held virtually. The “Equity at the Table” session will be held on Feb. 23 at 3 p.m.

The panelists for the “Equity at the Table” session include The Rural Coalition Policy Advisor Quinton Robinson, Native Agriculture and Food Systems First Nations Development Institute Director of Programs A-dae Romero-Briones, and Karis Gutter, who leads Government & Industry Affairs for Corteva Agriscience. Gutter is also the founding member of Black Professionals in Food and Agriculture (BPFA).

The panel will discuss diversity and inclusion in food and agriculture in the U.S. and, offer insight on how to make sure all voices are heard when making decisions that impact “how our food is produced, who is producing it, and how food reaches our dinner table.”

“I am honored to be moderating this important and timely session with accomplished and knowledgeable panelists,” said Dr. Gallo.

NASDA is a nonpartisan, nonprofit association that represents elected and appointed commissioners, secretaries, and directors of the departments of agriculture in all 50 states and four U.S. territories. The association works to grow and enhance agriculture through partnerships and creating consensus to achieve policy outcomes between state departments of agriculture, the federal government, and stakeholders.

Registration: Registration for the conference is $50. Sponsors and the press can register at no cost.

For more information on the conference, please visit