Learn to Raise Livestock on a Small Farm

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In response to growing public interest in small farms and homesteads, Delaware Valley University is offering a non-credit short course designed for people who want to raise their own livestock. The course, Raising Livestock on a Small Farm, is now enrolling participants. The program will include six sessions and will run from Sept. 24 through Oct. 29. On Nov. 2, participants will meet for an educational walk through the University's livestock facilities. Sessions will be on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. The course, which was first offered in 2018, is being offered again due to its popularity with the surrounding community. 

Taught by DelVal faculty, the course will provide practical lessons on key subjects to prepare participants to have a rewarding experience raising livestock on a small farm or homestead. 

Sept. 24 - Soils on Your Farm and Soil Testing

Learn the basics of soil for optimal forage growth. Pasture management, manure management, and soil testing will be covered. Participants will complete a soil test of their own farm or land and analyze the results!

Oct. 1 - Small Scale/Backyard Poultry

Dreaming of raising a backyard flock? Learn to raise layers to produce your own eggs! Participants will also learn about broiler and turkey meat bird production.

Oct. 8 - Sheep and Goats
Have an interest in raising sheep or goats? These animals are ideal for small farms! Learn about facilities, breeding, nutrition and basic management requirements for these meat and fiber-producing animals.

Oct. 15 - Beef Cattle and Pigs
Learn to produce the bacon to go with your eggs. And, we’ll teach you about producing the best beef for your freezer. 

Oct. 22 - Equine Management
Is your vision having a horse or pony out in your pasture? This session will instruct you on the basic proper management, feeding, hoof care, and equipment necessary for all of the horse lovers out there.

Oct. 29 - Alternative Animals
Did you ever think about raising something unusual on your small farm? How about alpacas or llamas?  Deer?  Ostrich or emus? Game birds?  Rabbits?  Or really unusual like fish or, worms?  Whether for meat, milk, fiber, bait or just plain conversation pieces, this lesson will give an overview of alternative agricultural animals that are often raised these days.

Nov. 2 - Farm Tour
Participants will meet for an educational walk through the University's livestock facilities

Register for the Course
The cost is $149 for individuals and $199 for a couple. Registration includes six classes, a farm tour, a comprehensive reference manual (couples receive one manual), and a soil test kit. To register, please visit delval.edu/smallfarms. The course is open to people of all experience levels. For questions about the program or, for more information, please contact Robert Brown at robert.brown@delval.edu.