Medicinal Plants

Learn about the health philosophies and practices of diverse cultures and societies.

This course reviews human health philosophies of diverse cultures and societies; covers history and practice of herbal medicine; examines properties of phytochemicals and therapeutic values; familiarizes with fundamental plant nomenclature; identifies commonly used woody and herbaceous medicinal plants; discusses biodiversity and sustainability of medicinal plants; and researches new developments, applications and legislations of medicinal plants.

The noncredit course Medicinal Plants is intended for educational and informational purposes. Do not attempt self-diagnosis, self-medication or self-treatment. Always consult a medical professional or qualified practitioner.

  • Class Meetings: Spring 2021, TBD
  • Location: Delaware Valley University, Main Campus
  • Cost: $150 per person
  • Instructor: Dr. Mingwang Liu
Additional Course Information
  • Tyler’s Herbs of Choice: The Therapeutic Use of Phytomedicinals, 3rd. Awang, DVC. 2009. CRC Press.
  • The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs. Blumenthal, M, JA Brinckmann, B Wollschlaeger. 2003. American Botanical Council
  • Medicinal Plants of the World. Ben-Erik van Wyk & M. Wink 2009. TimberPressMedical Botany Plants affecting Human Health, 2nd ed. Lewis & Elvin-Lewis, 2003. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Nature’s Medicine Plants that Heal, Joel L. Swerdlow, 2000. National Geographic Society.
  • Medical Herbalism the science and practice of herbal medicine. David Hoffmann. 2003. Heating Arts Press.
  • Natural Products Chemistry: Sources, Separation and Structures. Raymond Cooper and George Nicola 2014. T&F, CRC Press.
  • Botanical Miracles: Chemistry of Plants that Changed the World. Raymond Cooper and Jeffrey John Deakin 2016. T&F, CRC Press.
  • Historical review of use of medicinal plants and other natural products
  • Plant nomenclature, botany of medicinal plants, plant parts for medicinal use
  • Clarification of diverse definitions relevant to medicinal plants
  • Human anatomy
  • List One

Week 2

  • Traditional medicine of Europeans and Africans
  • Traditional medicine of American Indians and South Americans
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
  • Yin and Yang Theory, Five Elements Theory, Qi, Acupuncture, Massage, Manipulation, Cupping/Scraping, Moxibustion, Meridians and Acupressure Points
  • List Two

Week 3

  • Medicinal plants: their biology, chemistry, and pharmacology
  • Contribution of medicinal plants to modern medicine
  • Phytochemicals (biologically active compounds including primary and secondary metabolites)
  • Actions of medicinal plants in human systems and clinical treatments
  • Extraction and processing technologies of medicinal plants
  • List Three

Week 4

  • Biodiversity and sustainability
  • Alternative agricultural cultivation and commercial production
  • Efficacy, dosage, quality control and safety of medicinal plants
  • Polices and regulations on natural products
  • Research and evaluation on medicinal plants
  • List Four

Dr. Mingwang Liu enjoys working with plants, visiting gardens, and exploring forests. He previously worked as a research assistant professor in the Beijing Botanical Garden of the Institute of Botany in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He currently teaches courses on medicinal plants, woody plants, botany of vascular plants, and dendrology. Dr. Liu also taught courses on herbaceous plants and horticultural therapy.

Office of Continuing and Professional Studies