
We can't wait to meet you!

Your RAMbassador is your key to campus. Your RAMbassador knows the ins and outs of DelVal and will serve as your guide during any visit to campus. As RAMs, we know how important the college decision process is, so we're honest and fun and want you to love DelVal as much as we do!

A group of RAMbassadors
Find Out What Makes DelVal So Special!

We invite you to find out for yourself what makes DelVal so special. With so many ways to see what DelVal has to offer your future, think about signing up for a remote visit – one that is tailor-made for YOU!

Cesar the ram
Become a RAMbassador!

Join our team! Becoming a RAMbassador has been known to change lives - not just for the students we recruit to DelVal - but our lives. We develop our leadership skills, strengthen our friendships and enjoy meeting new people every day.