Why I Got Vaccinated for COVID-19

I’m getting vaccinated for myself, so that I may continue to live and enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle without feeling the short-term or long-term effects of COVID-19. I’m getting vaccinated for my children, who are not yet eligible to be vaccinated, so that we may enjoy life together, both in and out of a pandemic.
I’m getting vaccinated for my mom, who has lived with MS for 40 years, and all others who are immunocompromised.
I’m getting vaccinated for my students and colleagues at DelVal so that we may teach and learn in a way that is safe and normal.
I’m getting vaccinated for the rest of my family and friends so that we can celebrate birthdays and holidays together and so my girls can share a hug and a cuddle with their grandparents and so many others.
I’m getting vaccinated for the scientists who have invested years into developing new medical technology and are finally seeing its application with COVID-19. Good things happen when you fund scientific research.
I’m getting vaccinated for the healthcare workers who have tirelessly been battling COVID-19 for nearly a year and risk the health and well-being of themselves and their families for their patients.
I’m getting vaccinated for my community and the organizations I volunteer for. I want to protect my Girl Scout Daisies and my soccer players and their families. I want to protect the elderly in my town.
I’m getting vaccinated for you. The sooner we can achieve herd immunity and decrease infection, the sooner we can all resume a normal life of community and school events, of vacations, of concerts and sporting events, and of being able to exist around one another without fear and worry of infection.
Share Your Story
Did you get vaccinated for COVID-19? Share your story in the newsletter by emailing your story and photo to annmarie.ely@delval.edu.