Student Requested Withdrawals and Hiatus

Students are expected to be fully engaged in their academic program throughout their time at the University by attending class and other required educational activities, submitting coursework in a timely manner and making satisfactory academic progress. On occasion, students may need to take time away from the University temporarily or permanently. Students are subject to change in their status as outlined in the Change in Student Status Policy.  


How to Complete the Request Process

Step One

Complete the Voluntary Withdrawal Request form or Request for Hiatus form, whichever is most appliable to your situation.

Voluntary Withdrawal Request

Request for Hiatus

Step Two

You can expect to receive outreach from a staff member within 3 to 5 business days of submitting your request to schedule a meeting to discuss your request.

Step Three

Attend the scheduled request meeting.

Step Four

Contact key offices to make them aware of your request, such as:

  • Student account balance: contact the Bursar's office at 215-489-2376 or
  • Financial Aid: contact the office of Financial Aid at 215-489-2272 or
  • Transcripts and other academic records: contact the Office of the Registrar at 215-489-2378 or
  • Housing matters: contact Residence Life at 215-489-2215 or
  • Rental textbooks: contact the University bookstore at 215-489-2259

Once the request meeting is completed, staff will notify the Office of Registrar of your approved request. You will receive email confirmation that your student account has been updated.

Not sure what to do? Hiatus or withdrawal?

Reasons for Leaving Examples

Type of Request and Form

I have a health matter that requires me to go home for more care. I need to leave school now, in the middle of the semester, but want to return for a future semester.

Request Type: Hiatus         

Form: Request for Hiatus

I need to take time off next semester due to a family concern, but plan to return in the future. I plan to finish the current semester.

Request Type: Hiatus         

Form: Request for Hiatus

My family is experiencing unexpected financial hardship. I plan to finish the current semester but will need to take time off next semester. I plan to return to DelVal in the future.  

Request Type: Hiatus         

Form: Request for Hiatus

My family is experiencing unexpected financial hardship during the current semester and I need to go home. I do not plan to return to DelVal.

Request Type: Withdrawal 

Form: Voluntary Withdrawal Request

College just isn't for me and I will be leaving to enter the workforce.  I have no intention of returning.  (During an academic semester)

Request Type: Withdrawal 

Form: Voluntary Withdrawal Request

I am enlisting in the Armed Services and will not be returning to DelVal.

Request Type: Withdrawal 

Form: Voluntary Withdrawal Request

FAQs for Hiatus and Voluntary Withdrawal Requests

Each request to take a hiatus or withdraw from the University receives follow up. During that follow up, the timeline is discussed. The nature of the request (hiatus or withdraw), if additional information is needed, and the time in the semester, all impact when the student status is updated.

It is important to review your student account with a staff member from the Office of the Bursar for specific information.

Contact Information:


Phone: 215.489.2376

It is important to review your file with a staff member from the Office of Financial Aid for specific information.

Contact Information:


Phone: 215.489.2272

Students leaving campus during or at the end of the semester due to a hiatus or withdrawal request must remove all personal belongings from the residence hall and return the room key to the Office of Residence Life between the hours of 8:30am – 4:30pm Monday – Friday. If after hours, please return the room key to Public Safety at the Welcome Center.

Before leaving campus, be sure to visit the Campus Bookstore to resolve any book-related questions.

Information about obtaining an unofficial or official transcript.

It is important to note that an official transcript cannot be order if there is an outstanding balance on the student account.

Any withdrawn student who wishes to re-enroll at DelVal must file a "Readmission Application". Such applications must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar at least 30 days prior to the term in which the student wishes to re-enroll.

Please note, students must wait a full semester (not a summer session) after withdrawal from the University before reapplying. For more information, please refer to the policy here.

Contact Information: