Articulation Agreements

Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE) Course Credit

Description and Courses

CASE certified teachers often partner with colleges and universities to provide college academic credit to high school students completing CASE courses. Agreements are between students and the credit-granting institution and each institution has specific requirements.

Delaware Valley University offers up to 21 transfer credits to high school students who have successfully completed a specific CASE course taught by a CASE certified teacher. For more information please refer to the CASE chart below, and contact the Executive Director of Admissions, Dr. Thomas W. Speakman, for additional information.   

CASE Course

DelVal Credits

CASE – Agriculture, Food, Natural Resources

3 credits of restricted electives in the Ag Business major

CASE – Agriculture Science-Animal

3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major

CASE – Agriculture Science-Plant

3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major

CASE – Agriculture Research and Development

3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major

CASE – Environmental Science Issues

3 Credits of restricted elective in Plant Science majors: Horticulture, Crop Science, Sustainable Agriculture, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sciences.

CASE – Food Science and Safety

LAES 1203 Intro into Food Science (3 credits)

CASE – Natural Resources and Ecology

Satisfies LAES Principles of Ecology (3 credits)

CASE: Agriculture Power and Technology

2 credits of restricted electives in the Ag Business major

CASE:  Mechanical Systems in Agriculture

2 credits of restricted electives in the Ag Business major

CASE:  Technical Applications in Agriculture

2 credits of restricted electives in the Ag Business major

CASE:  Animal and Plant Biotechnology

2 credits of restricted electives in the Ag Business major

CASE Agriculture Business Foundations

2 credits of restricted electives in the Ag Business major

Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow

Click the link below for more information.

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Adams County Technical Institute

Adams County Technical Institute students who successfully complete the Criminal Justice-Police Science program and the curriculum therein, can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • 3 credits - CJ 1009 Intro to Criminal Justice

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Adams County Technical Institute students must successfully complete the Criminal Justice-Police Science program, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Biglerville High School – Biglervill, PA

Biglerville High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Animal Care I and II: This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Large Animal Science major.
  • Ag Science: This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Biglerville High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Biglerville High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Fairfield Area High School – Fairfield, PA

Fairfield Area High School students who successfully complete the following courses can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University:

  • Agriculture Education I will correspond to Restricted Electives (1 credit) in Plant Science majors
  • Agriculture Education II will correspond to Restricted Electives (1 credit) in Plant Science majors
  • Animal Science will correspond to Restricted Electives (1 credit) in Animal Science majors
  • Horticulture will correspond to Restricted Electives (1 credit) in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Science and Plant Science majors

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Fairfield Area High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Fairfield Area High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Gettysburg High school

Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow high school students who successfully complete the Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow high school curriculum; Introduction to Dairy, Introduction to Dairy Herd Management, Introduction to Dairy Business Management, and Introduction to Dairy Technologies, can receive a total of 6 college credits from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Introduction to Dairy (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits in AS 1000 Survey of Animal Agriculture.
  • Intro to Dairy Herd Management/Intro to Dairy Business Management/Intro to Dairy Technologies (3 credits) - Successful completion of these three courses satisfies 3 credits in DS 3000 - Selected Topics.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow high school students must successfully complete the Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow classes identified above with a "B" average or higher (3 .0 GPA on a 4 point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.
  • At Gettysburg Area High School - Students complete Introduction to Dairy, Intro to Dairy Herd Management, and Intro to Dairy Technologies in the Animal Science II course. Students complete the Intro to Dairy and Dairy Business Management in the Agribusiness Management Course.

Littlestown Area School District

Littlestown Area School District students who successfully complete the Horticulture program and the curriculum therein, can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • 3 credits PS 4209- Greenhouse Management

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Littlestown Area School District students must successfully complete the Horticulture program, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Blackhawk High School – Beaver Falls, PA

Blackhawk High School students who successfully complete the CASE Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Animal, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Plant, and CASE Natural Resources and Ecology can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE- Intro to Agriculture/Food and Natural Resources- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business, or 3 credits as a restricted elective.
  • CASE- Principles of Agriculture Science- Animal- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science- Plant- (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.
  • CASE- Natural Resources and Ecology- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of LAES – Principles of Ecology.

Blackhawk High School students must successfully complete the CASE classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Northern Bedford County School District – Loysburg, PA

Northern Bedford County School District students who successfully complete the Career and Technical Education (CTE) approved Agriculture curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • LAES 1120 (3 credits): Sustainability. This course satisfies a requirement in the Plant Science/LAES programs.
  • PS 1101 (2 credits): Exploring Horticulture, Science and Environment. This course satisfies 2 credits within the Plant Science majors.
  • AS 1000 (3 credits): Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies requirements within the Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Northern Bedford County School District students must successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Northern Bedford County School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Berks Career and Technology Center – Oley, PA

Berks Career and Technology Center students who successfully complete the Protective Services- Law Enforcement Program and the curriculum therein, can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • 3 credits   Intro to Criminal Justice    CJ 1009

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Berks Career and Technology Center students must successfully complete the Protective Services- Law Enforcement Program with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).

  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Oley Valley School District – Oley, PA

Oley Valley School District students who successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • 423 Advanced Animal Science: This course satisfies requirements in Animal Science: AS 1006 (3 credits) – Introduction to Animal Science.
  • 421 Plant Science & Horticulture CP: This course satisfies requirements in Plant Science: PS 2101 (3 credits) – Botany of Vascular Plants.
  • 428 Food Science & Technology: FS (3 credits) – Restricted Electives in Food Science.
  • 471 Agro-Environmental Science CP: This course satisfies requirements in LAES: LAES 1120 (3 credits) Sustainability.
  • 431 Agricultural Business CP: AB (3 credits) – Restricted Electives in Food Science
  • 709 Agriculture Engineering: Power & Technology CP ( 3 credits)-This course satisfies ( 3 credits) in Restricted Electives in Agribusiness
  • 429 Animal and Plant Biotechnology CP ( 3 credits) - This course satisfies ( 3 credits) in Restricted Electives in Agribusiness.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Oley Valley School District students must successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Oley Valley School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Kutztown Area School District – Kutztown, PA

Kutztown Area School District Agri-Science students who successfully complete the program of study identified below, may receive university credit for this program while attending Delaware Valley University.

  • CASE - Intro to Agriculture/Food and Natural Resources: (3 credits)- this course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business, or 3 credits as a restricted elective.
  • CASE - Food Science Safety (3 credits): this course satisfies 3 credits as FS 1203- Intro into Food Science and Technology.
  • Agri-Business (3 credits): (10, 11, 12) completion of this course sequence satisfies 3 elective credits within the Agribusiness major.
  • AP Environmental Science (3 credits): (11, 12) completion of this course sequence satisfies LAES 1120 Saving the Earth and Feeding People (3 credits) within the Plant Science/Landscape Architecture and Environmental Science majors.
  • Veterinary Science -- Large and Small Animal (3 credits): (9, 10, 11, 12) completion of this course sequence satisfies AS 1000 (3 credits) - Survey of Animal Agriculture within the Animal Science major.
  • Horticulture/ Plant Science (3 credits): (9, 10, 11, 12) completion of this course sequence satisfies restricted electives (3 credits) within the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Kutztown High School students must successfully complete the classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Schuylkill Valley School District

Schuylkill Valley School District students who successfully complete the CASE Agricultural Business Foundations, CASE Natural Resources and Ecology, and the Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow coursework, as well as the additional coursework below can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following:

  • CASE- Agriculture Business Foundations: (2 credits)- This course satisfies 2 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business, or 2 credits as a restricted elective in Ag Business.

  • CASE- Natural Resources and Ecology: (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits as LAES 3125 Principles of Ecology.

  • Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow high school students who successfully complete the Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow high school curriculum; Introduction to Dairy, Introduction to Dairy Herd Management, Introduction to Dairy Business Management, and Introduction to Dairy Technologies, can receive a total of (6 credits) from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

    o Introduction to Dairy - (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits in AS 1000 Survey of Animal    Agriculture.

    o Intro to Dairy Herd Management/Intro to Dairy Business Management/Intro to Dairy Technologies – (3 credits)- Successful completion of these three courses satisfies 3 credits in DS 3000 – Selected Topics.

  • Equine Science: (2 credits)- This course satisfies 2 credits as a restricted elective in the Equine Science major.

  • Plant and Soil Science: (3 credits)-This course satisfies 3 credits as a restricted elective in the Plant and Soil Science majors.

  • Floral Science: (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits as PS 3232 – Intro to Floral Design.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Schuylkill Valley School District students must successfully complete the CASE coursework, the Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow curriculum, and the additional classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Tulpehocken High School – Bernville, PA

Tulpehocken High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Botanical Science (CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant) – This course satisfies 3 credits within the Plant Science major or satisfies the PS 2101-201 Botany of Vascular Plants Course.
  • Animal Science (CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal) – This course satisfies requirements in Large Animal Science Electives or 3 credits with restricted electives.
  • Food Science (CASE-Food and Safety) – This course satisfies 3 restricted electives credits within the Food Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Tulpehocken High School students must successfully complete the Agricultural Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Tulpehocken High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Bellwood-Antis School District – Bellwood, PA

Bellwood-Antis School District students who successfully complete the Agricultural Science curriculum and Agricultural Mechanics I curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • Agricultural Science 1-4: (3 credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Bellwood-Antis School District students must successfully complete the Agricultural Science curriculum and Agricultural Mechanics I curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Bellwood-Antis School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Central High School – Martinsburg, PA

Central High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Agricultural Education 9 will correspond to Restricted Electives (1 credit) in general agriculture majors.
  • Agricultural Education 10 will correspond to Restricted Electives (1 credit) in general agriculture majors.
  • Agricultural Education 11 will correspond to Restricted Electives (2 credits) in general agriculture majors.
  • Agricultural Education 12 will correspond to Restricted Electives (2 credits) in general agriculture majors.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Central High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Central High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Tyrone Area High School

Tyrone Area High School students who successfully complete the CASE Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Animal, CASE Agricultural Business: Research and Development, CASE Agriculture Business Foundations, CASE Animal and Plant Biotechnology, and CASE Agriculture Natural Resource and Ecology, and CASE Agriculture Power and Technology, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • CASE- Intro to Agriculture/Food and Natural Resources: (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits as a restricted elective in Ag. Business.
  • CASE- Principles of Agriculture Science- Animal (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE-Agricultural Business, Research and Development (3 Credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits restricted electives in the Plant Science majors; Horticulture, Crop Science, Sustainable Agriculture, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sciences
  • CASE-Agriculture Business Foundations (2 credits) - This course satisfies 2 credits as an Ag Business restricted elective
  • CASE- Animal and Plant Biotechnology- (2 credits) - This course satisfies 2 credits as a restricted elective in Ag Business.
  • CASE-Agriculture Natural Resource and Ecology (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits -LAES Principles of Ecology.
  • CASE- Agriculture Power and Technology (2 credits) - This course satisfies 2 credits as an Ag Business restricted elective.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Tyrone Area High School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Williamsburg Community School District

Williamsburg Community School District students who successfully complete the CASE Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources, CASE Agriculture Science- Animal, CASE Agriculture Science-Plant, and CASE Natural Resources and Ecology courses, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE- Intro to Agriculture/Food, Natural Resource:  (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business
  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.
  • CASE- Natural Resources and Ecology (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits LAES Principles of Ecology

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Williamsburg Community students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Athens Area School District

Athens Area High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum therein, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE – ASA – Animal – (3 credits) – restricted elective in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE – NRE – Natural Resources and Ecology – LAES Principles of Ecology

Athens Area High School students must successfully complete the CASE classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Northeast Bradford High School

Northeast Bradford High School students who successfully complete the CASE classes below can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science- Animal: (3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Agriculture Food and Natural Resources: (3 credits)- AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business, or (3) credits restricted electives.
  • CASE- Agriculture Business Foundations: (2 Credits)- This course satisfies 2 credits of restricted Ag Business electives.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Northeast Bradford High School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Northeast Bradford High School students must submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, and the transcript must list the courses and grades received by the student.

Troy Area High School

Troy Area High School students who successfully complete the course below, can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Animal Studies (3 credits)- AS 1000 Survey of Animal Agriculture
  • Power Machining (3 credits)- PS 2201 Ag Engines and Power
  • Agri Biotech (3 credits)- BT 3020 Ag Biotech

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Troy Area High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture program curriculum with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale). Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Undergraduate Admissions, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Bucks County Technical High School – Fairless Hills, PA

1. Bucks County Technical High School students who successfully complete the Commercial and Advertising Art program and the curriculum therein, can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • 3 credits - MC 2140 Graphic Design I
  • 3 credits - MC 3040 Digital Photography

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Bucks County Technical High School students must successfully complete the Commercial and Advertising Art program, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale). Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

2. Bucks County Technical High School students who successfully complete the Emergency Services program and the curriculum therein, can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • 3 credits - Intro to Criminal Justice CJ 1009

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Bucks County Technical High School students must successfully complete the Emergency Services Program, with a "B" average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale). Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

3. Bucks County Teclmical High School students who successfully complete the Landscape and Floral Design program and the curriculum therein, can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • 3 credits, LAES Principles of Plant Protection
  • 3 credits, LAES 2016 Basic Plant Management
  • 3 credits, LAES 3260 Construction Materials
  • 2 credits, LAES 3117 Herbaceous Plant Materials

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Bucks County Technical High School students must successfully complete the Landscape and Floral Design program, with a "B" average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale). Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the courses and grade received by the student.

4. Bucks County Technical High School students who successfully complete the Bakery/Pastry Arts and the Culinary Arts program, can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

For Baking and Pastry Arts:

  • FS-1205 Principles of Prof Cooking- 3 Credits
  • FS-3225 Purchasing Food, Bev, and Equipment - 3 Credits
  • FS-4222 Foodservice Operations – 3 Credits

For Culinary Arts:

  • FS-1205 Principles of Professional Cooking - 3 Credits
  • FS-3225 Purchasing Food, Bev, and Equipment - 3 Credits
  • FS-4222 Foodservice Operations - 3 Credits

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Bucks County Technical High School students must successfully complete the Bakery/Pastry Arts and Culinary Arts program, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale). Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

5. Upper Bucks County Technical School students who successfully complete the CASE courses identified below can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • CASE- Principles of Agriculture Science - Animal (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science/Agriculture majors.
  • CASE- Agriculture Power and Technology- (2 credits) - This course satisfies 2 credits of restricted electives in the Ag Business major.
  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science- Plant: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major/Agriculture majors.
  • CASE-Animal and Plant Biotechnology - (2 Credits) - This course satisfies 2 credits of restricted electives in the Ag. Business major.
  • CASE-Agriculture Business Foundations (2 credits) - This course satisfies 2 credits of restricted electives in the Ag Business major.
  • CASE- Natural Resources and Ecology - (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits as LAES 3125 Principles of Ecology.
  • CASE- Small Gas Engines - (2 credits) - This course satisfies 2 credits as an Ag Business restricted elective.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Upper Bucks County Technical School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology

  1. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology students who successfully complete the Public Safety program and curriculum therein, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:
    • CJ 1009 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3 credits)
  2. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology students who successfully complete the Commercial Art and Advertising Design program and curriculum therein, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:
    • MC 2140 Graphic Design (3 credits)
    • MC 3040 Digital Photography (3 credits)
  3. Middle Bucks Institute of Technology students who successfully complete the Multimedia Technology program and curriculum therein, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:
    • MC 2140 Graphic Design (3 credits)

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Middle Bucks Institute of Technology students must successfully complete the programs identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Middle Bucks Institute of Technology students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Middle Bucks Institute of Technology students who successfully complete the program of study in Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations and/or Institutional Food Workers can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations

  • LAES 3147 Today’s Sustainable Homestead (3 credits) - This course satisfies requirements in Horticulture and Sustainable Agriculture.
  • LAES 3117 Herbaceous Plant Identification (2 credits) - This course satisfies requirements in Horticulture and Landscape Design/Build.
  • LAES 1301 Plant Health Management (3 credits) - This course satisfies requirements in Horticulture, Sustainable Agriculture and Landscape Design/Build.

Institutional Food Workers

  • FS-1123 Food Service Systems (3 credits) - This course satisfies requirements in Food Science.
  • FS-2110 Meal and Menu Planning (3 credits) - This course satisfies requirements in Food Science.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Middle Bucks Institute of Technology students must successfully complete the Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations and/or Institutional Food Workers program, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the courses and grade received by the student.

For Culinary Arts & Sciences

  • FS-1205 Principles of Professional Cooking - 3 credits
  • FS-3225 Purchasing Food, Bev, and Equipment - 3 credits
  • FS-4222 Foodservice Operatrions - 3 credits

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Middle Bucks Institute of Technology students must successfully complete the Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations and/or Institutional Food Workers program, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the courses and grade received by the student.

Upper Bucks County Technical School

1. Upper Bucks County Technical School students who successfully complete the Bakery/Pastry Arts and the Culinary Arts program, can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

For Baking and Pastry Arts:

  • FS-1205 Principles of Prof Cooking- 3 Credits
  • FS-3225 Purchasing Food, Bev, and Equipment -3 Credits
  • FS-4222 Food service Operations – 3 Credits

For Culinary Arts:

  • FS-1205 Principles of Professional Cooking- 3 Credits
  • FS-3225 Purchasing Food, Bev, and Equipment- 3 Credits
  • FS-4222 Food service Operations- 3 Credits

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Upper Bucks County Technical School students must be a CTE concentrator or completer of either the Bakery/Pastry Arts or the Culinary Arts program, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Mointeau Jr./Sr. High School – West Sunbury, PA

Mointeau Jr./Sr. High School students can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Introduction to Horticulture:  This course satisfies 3 restricted elective credits within the Plant Science Major.
  • Horticulture SAE IV (Grade 12):  This course satisfies 3 restricted elective credits within the Plant Science Major.
  • Greenhouse Production and Management:  This course satisfies DelVal PS-4209 Greenhouse Management (3 credits)
  • Plant Systems:  This course satisfies DelVal PS-2016 Basic Plant Management (3 credits)
  • Hydroponics:  This course satisfies DelVal-3230 Hydroponics (3 credits)

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Mointeau Jr. Sr. High School students must successfully complete the curriculum with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Bellefonte High School – Bellefont, PA

Bellefonte High School students who successfully complete the following courses can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University:

  • Landscape and Horticulture – will correspond to Restricted Electives (1 credit) in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sciences and Plant Science majors.
  • Ag Mechanics – will correspond to (3 credits) in Ag Machinery
  • Plant Science and Biotechnology – will correspond to Restricted Electives (1 credit) in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sciences and Plant Science majors.
  • Agriculture combined with Agricultural Sustainability – will correspond to Restricted Electives (3 credits) in Agribusiness OR Plant Science majors.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Bellefonte High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Bellefonte High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Keystone Central School District Career and Technology Center

University credits earned through this articulation agreement will offer students additional flexibility in course selection and allow students to earn credits that can be applied to their degree requirements. Keystone Central School District Career and Technology Center students who successfully complete the classes below can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Ag Mechanics- (3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits PS2201 Ag Engines.
  • Natural Resources-(3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Environmental Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Keystone Central School District Career and Technology Center students must successfully complete the Agricultural classes identified above with a "B" average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).

State College Area High School – State College, PA

State College Area High School students who successfully complete the CASE and Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow classes below can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science- Plant: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Plant Science major.
  • CASE- Agriculture Food and Natural Resources: (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits restricted electives.
  • CASE- Environmental Science Issues: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • State College Area High School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).

State College Area High School students who successfully complete the Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow High School curriculum; Introduction to Dairy, Introduction to Dairy Herd Management, Introduction to Dairy Business Management, and Introduction to Dairy Technologies, can receive a total of 6 college credits from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Introduction to Dairy - (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits in AS 1000 Survey of Animal Agriculture
  • Intro to Dairy Herd Management/Intro to Dairy Business Management/Intro to Dairy Technologies – (3 credits)- Successful completion of these three courses satisfies 3 credits in DS 3000 – Selected Topics.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • State College Area High School students must successfully complete the Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Octorara Area Junior/Senior High School – Atglen, PA

Octorara Area Jr./Sr. High School students who successfully complete the CASE Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Animal, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Plant, CASE Agricultural Mechanical Systems, and CASE Agriculture Power Technology, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE- Intro to Agriculture/Food and Natural Resources: (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits in Agriculture Business Electives.
  • CASE- Principles of Agriculture Science- Animal (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science- Plant: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.
  • CASE-Agricultural Mechanical Systems-(3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits in Agriculture Business Electives.
  • CASE-Agriculture Power Technology-(3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits in Agriculture Business Electives.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Octorara Area Jr./Sr. High School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Chester County Technical College High School – Downingtown, PA

  1. Chester County Technical College High School students who successfully complete the Animal Science or Veterinary Science program of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:
    • AS 1000 (3 Credits) – Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Animal Science, Equine Science and Management and Small Animal Science major.
  2. Chester County Technical College High School students who successfully complete Criminal Justice and Police Science program and the curriculum therein, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:
    • CJ 1009: Intro to Criminal Justice (3 credits)
  3. Chester County Technical College High School students who successfully complete the Commercial Art and Design Media program and the curriculum therein, can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

    • 3 credits - MC 2140 Graphic Design I

    • 3 credits - MC 3040 Digital Photography

      Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

      • Chester County Technical College High School students must successfully complete the  Commercial Art and Design Media program, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
      • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Chester County Technical College High School students must successfully complete the identified curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Chester County Technical College High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Longwood Gardens – Kennett Square, PA

Guaranteed Admission

Graduates of Longwood Gardens' 2-Year Professional Gardener Program will be guaranteed admission to Delaware Valley University's Bachelor of Science in Horticulture degree program. Students will receive credit for the Professional Gardener Program learning experience as stipulated in the agreement.

Students admitted under the terms of this agreement are responsible for meeting all requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Horticulture degree program. Students will also be eligible for Delaware Valley University's Transfer Student scholarships and grants based on the cumulative grade point average earned upon completion of the Longwood Gardens' 2-Year Professional Gardener Program.

Keystone Central School District Career and Technology Center

University credits earned through this articulation agreement will offer students additional flexibility in course selection and allow students to earn credits that can be applied to their degree requirements. Keystone Central School District Career and Technology Center students who successfully complete the classes below can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Ag Mechanics- (3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits PS2201 Ag Engines.
  • Natural Resources-(3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Environmental Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Keystone Central School District Career and Technology Center students must successfully complete the Agricultural classes identified above with a "B" average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).


Central Columbia High School

Athens Area High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture Science courses (identified below), can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • AgriScience (1-4) 3 credits  - Agriculture Bus. (restricted elective)
  • Land Surveying (3 credits) - Land Surveying LAES 2017
  • Supervised Ag Experience (3 credits) - Farm Practicum PS 2110
  • Animal Science (1 credit) - Animal Science (restricted elective)

Central Columbia High School students must successfully complete the CASE classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Millville Area Junior Senior High School

Millville Area Junior Senior High School students who successfully complete the below listed classes can receive college credit for the following courses:

  • LARGE ANIMAL SCIENCE ( 3 credits) – This course satisfies ( 3 credits) in AS-1000 Survey of Animal Agriculture

Acceptance of the above stated equivalencies by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Millville Area Junior Senior High School’s students must successfully complete the classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale), and they must submit official transcript to Delaware Valley University which lists the courses and grades received by the student


Big Spring School District – Newville, PA

Big Spring School District students who successfully complete the Introduction to Agribusiness, Animal Science, Food Science and Safety, and Plant and Greenhouse Science curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Introduction to Agribusiness: (3 credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Agribusiness major.
  • Animal Science: (3 credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • Food Science and Safety: (3 credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of general electives in the Food Science major.
  • Plant and Greenhouse Science: (3 credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of general electives in the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Big Spring School District students must successfully complete the Introduction to Agribusiness, Animal Science, Food Science and Safety, and Plant and Greenhouse Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Big Spring School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Cumberland Perry Area Career and Technical Center

Cumberland Perry Area Career and Technical Center students who successfully complete the Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations and Landscaping program (PA Dept. of Education Program Task List), and the curriculum therein, can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Restricted electives in Delaware Valley University’s Horticulture/ Landscaping majors (6 total credits)

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Cumberland Perry Area Career and Technical Center students must successfully complete the Criminal Justice program with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Cumberland Valley High School – Mechanicsburg, PA

Cumberland Valley High School students who successfully complete the following courses can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University:

  • CASE Intro to Agriculture/Food and Natural Resources- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business, or 3 credits as a restricted elective.
  • CASE Principles of Agriculture Science- Animal- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted elective in the Animal Science major
  • CASE Principles of Agriculture Science- Plant- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted elective in the Plant Science major
  • CASE- Food Science Safety- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits- LAES Principles of Ecology
  • CASE- Agriculture Power and Technology- (2 credits)- This course satisfies 2 credits as an Ag Business restricted elective
  • CASE Animal and Plant Biotechnology- (2 credits)- This course satisfies 2 credits as an Ag Business restricted elective

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Successful completion of the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Trinity High School

Trinity High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum therein, can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • AE 1120 (3 credits) Sustainability: Saving the Earth and Feeding the People. This course satisfies a requirement in the Agronomy, Environmental Science and Turf Management programs.
  • HT 1101 (2 credits) – Exploring Horticulture, Science and the Environment. This course satisfies requirements in Commercial Crop Production, Marketing, Hydroponic Crop Science, Plant Science and Biotechnology.
  • AS 1000 (3 credits) – Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies requirements in Livestock Science and Management, Equine Science and Management and Science Specializations and Dairy Science. • 876 Horticulture II and Greenhouse Production and Floral Design: These courses satisfy (3) credits of restricted electives within the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Trinity High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum above, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Upper Dauphin Area High School – Elizabethville, PA

Upper Dauphin Area High School students who successfully complete the Animal Science and Animal, Plant and Soil Science programs of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • AS 1000 (3 credits) – Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies requirements in Livestock Science and Management, Equine Science and Management, Dairy Science, and Small Animal Science
  • LAES 2004 (3 credits) – Soils. This course satisfies requirements in Livestock Science and Management, Equine Science and Management, Dairy Science, and Small Animal Science, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Science and Plant Science.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Upper Dauphin Area High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Upper Dauphin Area High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Dauphin County Technical School

Dauphin County Technical School students who successfully complete the coursework below and curriculum therein, can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following:

  •  Applied Horticulture:
    • PS 13012 (3 credits) - Plant Health Management OR 3 credits Horticulture Restricted Electives
  • Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Protective Services:
    • CJ 1009 (3 credits) - Intro to criminal justice
  • Commercial and Advertising Art:
    • MC 2140 (3 credits) - Graphic Design

    • MC 3040 (3 credits) - Digital Photography

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  •  Dauphin County Technical School students must successfully complete the Programs above, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Delaware County Technical High School

Delaware County Technical High School students who successfully complete the Advertising Design and Commercial Art program and the curriculum therein, can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • MC 2140 Graphic Design I (3 Credits)
  • MC 3040 Digital Photography (3 Credits)

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Delaware County Technical High School students must successfully complete the Advertising Design and Commercial Art program with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Johnsonburg Area High School

Johnsonburg Area High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Vocational Agriculture I-IV: Completion of this course series satisfies requirements for 3 credits within Restricted Electives in the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Johnsonburg Area High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Johnsonburg Area High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Northwestern School District - Albion, PA

University credits earned through this articulation agreement will offer students additional flexibility in course selection and allow students to earn credits that can be transferred to DelVal and applied toward their degree requirements.

  • LAES 1120 Ecology (3 credits) within the Plant Science/Landscape Architecture and Environmental Science major
  • AS 1000 (3 credits) - Survey of Animal Agriculture within the Animal Science major.
  • Horticulture/ Plant Science (9, 10, 11, 12): Completion of this course sequence satisfies restricted Electives (3 credits) within the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Northwestern School District students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a "B" average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Transfer Coordinator, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Union City Area School District – Union City, PA

Union City Area School District students who successfully complete the Animal Science and Horticulture Programs of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • AS 1000 (3 Credits) – Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies requirements in Livestock Science & Management, Equine Science & Management, Dairy Science and Small Animal Science.
  • PS 2101 (3 Credits) – Botany of Vascular Plants. This course satisfies requirements in Landscape Architecture & Environmental Science, Plant Science, Crop Science, and Floriculture & Nursery Production.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Union City Area School District students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Union City Area School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Waynesburg Central High School – Waynesburg, PA

Waynesburg Central High School students who successfully complete Agriculture curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • Horticulture: This course satisfies 3 restricted electives credits in the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Waynesburg Central High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Waynesburg Central High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

West Green School District

West Green School District students who successfully complete Agriculture Science curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • LAES 120 (3 credits) Sustainability: This course satisfies a requirement in the Landscape Architecture & Environmental Science (LAES) major.
  • AS 1000 (3 credits) Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies requirements in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of electives within the Agriculture Business major.

  • Floral Design: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits as LAES3232- Intro to Floral Design.
  • Floral Design II: (3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits as LAES4145-Advanced Floral Design.
  • Ag Mechanics: (3 Credits)- this course satisfies 3 credits as PS2201- Ag Engines and Power Application.
  • Construction I: (3 Credits)-this course satisfies 3 credits as PS2100- Ag Building.
  • Horticulture I: (3 Credits)- this course satisfies 3 credits of a restricted elective in Horticulture.
  • Horticulture II: (3 Credits)-this course satisfies 3 credits of a restricted elective in Horticulture.
  • Ag Bio-Technology and Food Science: (3 Credits)-this course satisfies 3 credits as LAES1120 Sustainability: Saving the Earth and Feeding the People

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • West Greene School District students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • West Greene School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Juniata Valley School District

  1. Juniata Valley School District students who successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:
    • PS 1120 (3 Credits) – Sustainability: Saving the Earth and Feeding the People. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Plant Science majors.
    • AS 1000 (3 Credits) – Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Animal Science major.
  2. Juniata Valley High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:
    • Ag Mechanics I, II, III (3 credits): This course satisfies a requirement of PS 2013 (Agriculture Machinery) in the Plant Science department.
    • Large Animal Science (3 credits): This course satisfies 3 credits within the Animal Science major.
    • Plant Science (3 credits): This course satisfies 3 credits within the Plant Science major.
    • Forestry (3 credits): This course satisfies 3 restrictive credits within the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Juniata Valley School District students must successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Juniata Valley School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Southern Huntingdon School District

Southern Huntingdon County High School students who successfully complete the CASE Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Plant, CASE Natural Resources and Ecology, CASE Small Gas Engines, and the Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow coursework can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE - Intro to Agriculture/Food and Natural Resources (3 credits): This course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business, or 3 credits as a restricted elective.
  • CASE - Principles of Agricultural Science-Plant (3 Credits): This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.
  • CASE - Natural Resources and Ecology (3 credits): This course satisfies 3 credits in LAES 3125 Principles of Ecology.
  • CASE - Small Gas Engines and/or Structural and Technical Systems (3 credits): This course satisfies 3 credits as PS 2201 Ag Engineering and Power Apps. 

Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow high school students who successfully complete the Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow high school curriculum; Introduction to Dairy, Introduction to Dairy Herd Management, Introduction to Dairy Business Management, and Introduction to Dairy Technologies, can receive a total of (6 credits) from Delaware Valley University for the following courses: 

  • Introduction to Dairy (3 credits)This course satisfies 3 credits in AS 1000 Survey of Animal Agriculture
  • Intro to Dairy Herd Management/Intro to Dairy Business Management/Intro to Dairy Technologies (3 credits): Successful completion of these three courses satisfies 3 credits in DS 3000 – Selected Topics. 

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Southern Huntingdon County School District students must successfully complete the CASE and the Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Tyrone Area High School – Tyrone, PA

Tyrone Area High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • PS 1120 (3 Credits) – Sustainability: Saving the Earth and Feeding the People. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Plant Science majors.
  • AS 1000 (3 Credits) – Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Tyrone Area High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Tyrone Area High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

United School District – Armagh, PA

United School District students who successfully complete the Large Animal Science and Small Animal Science curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • Large Animal Science (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Large Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • United School District students must successfully complete the Large Animal Science and Small Animal Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • United School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Elizabethtown Area High School – Elizabethtown, PA

Elizabethtown Area High School students who successfully complete Animal Science, Equine Science and/or Greenhouse and Landscape Programs of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • 782 Equine Science: This course satisfies a restricted elective (3 credits) within the Equine Science major.
  • 770 Greenhouse Management & Landscape Design: This course satisfies PS-1101 Expl Hort, Sci & Envir – Exploring Horticulture, Science and the Environment (2 credits) in Plant Science major.
  • 726 Animal Science and Management: This course satisfies AS 1000 (3 credits) – Survey of Animal Agriculture in Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Elizabethtown Area High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Elizabethtown Area High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Ephrata Area High School – Ephrata, PA

University credits earned through this articulation agreement will offer students additional flexibility in course selection and allow students to earn credits that can be applied to their degree requirements. Ephrata Area High School students who successfully complete the coursework identified below can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Intro to Ag Mechanics # 4550 - (3 credits) - This course satisfies PS 2201 Ag Engines and Power.
  • Honors Wildlife and Natural Resources #4510 - (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Environmental Science major.
  • Honors Biotechnology # 4505 - (3 credits) - This course satisfies BT 3005 Ag Bio- Technology.
  • Plant Science and Landscaping- (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3credits for the Landscape Design Build major.
  • Ag Co-Op # 4560 - (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives for the Landscape Design Build Major.
  • Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) # 4565 - (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits for PS 9917.
  • Survey of Animal Agriculture - (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Large Animal Science major.
  • Soils - (3 credits) - this course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Ephrata Area High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Ephrata Area High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Garden Spot High School – New Holland, PA

Garden Spot High School students who successfully complete Agricultural Science curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • Plant Science: This course satisfied 3 restrictive elective credits within the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Garden Spot High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Garden Spot High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Lampeter-Strasburg School District - Lampeter, PA

Lampeter-Strasburg High School students who successfully complete the courses below can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following;

  • Agriculture Science I and II: (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits in AS 1000, Survey of Animal Agriculture.
  • Landscape and Plant Design: (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in Landscape Design.  
  • Agribusiness Management: (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in Agriculture Business.
  • Small Gasoline Engines: (3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits in Ag Engineering and Power Apps.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Lampeter-Strasburg High School students must successfully complete the Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Lancaster County Career & Technology Center – Willow Street, PA

Lancaster County Career & Technology Center students who successfully complete Agriculture Science curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • Animal Production Science &Technology: AS1000 (3 credits) – Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies requirements in the Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Lancaster County Career & Technology Center students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Lancaster County Career & Technology Center students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Manheim Central High School – Manheim, PA

Manheim Central High School students who successfully complete the courses below, and the curriculum therein will receive university credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • 3 credits AgriEcology LAES 3125 (Principles of Ecology)
  • 3 credits Greenhouse Management/Landscaping Restricted Elective Credit
  • 3 credits Agriculture Mechanization Ag Business Restricted Elective Credit
  • 3 credits Agriculture Production Ag Business Restricted Elective Credits
  • 3 credits CASE FSS- Food Science Safety FS 1203 Intro into Food Science

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Manheim Central High School students must successfully complete the courses identified above with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Penn Manor High School – Millersville, PA

Penn Manor High School students who successfully complete Agriculture Science curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science - Animal: (Animal Science) (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Animal Science major.

  • CASE- Agricultural Food and Natural Resources: (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives.

  • CASE Agricultural Business Foundations: (Agribusiness and Leadership) (2 credits) - This course satisfies 2 credits of restricted electives in the Agriculture Business major.

  • Plant Science 1 and 2: (3 credits) - this course satisfies 3 credits in the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Penn Manor High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Penn Manor High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Pequea Valley High School – Kinzers, PA

Pequea Valley High School students who successfully complete Animal Science, Veterinary Science, and Food Science programs of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • AS 1000 (3 Credits) – Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies requirements in Livestock Science and Management, Equine Science and Management, Dairy Science, and Small Animal Science.
  • Restricted Electives (3 Credits)

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Pequea Valley High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Pequea Valley High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Solanco High School – Quarryville, PA

Solanco High School students who successfully complete the CASE Principles of Agriculture Science- Animal course and the curriculum therein can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses

  • CASE-Principles of Agriculture – Animal: (3 credits) – (3 credits) of restricted electives in the Animal Science major

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Solanco High School students must successfully complete the Agricultural Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Solanco High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Wilmington Area School District – New Wilmington, PA

Wilmington Area School District students who successfully complete the Large Animal Science curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • Large Animal Science: (3 credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Large Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Wilmington Area School District students must successfully complete the Large Animal Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Wilmington Area School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.


Laurel Middle High School

Laurel Middle High School students who successfully complete the CASE Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Animal and Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow courses will receive credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE- Agriculture Food and Natural Resources: (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits of restrictive electives.
  • CASE- Principles of Agriculture Science-Animal: (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits in the Animal Science major.
  • Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow high school students who successfully complete the Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow high school curriculum; Introduction to Dairy, Introduction to Dairy Herd Management, Introduction to Dairy Business Management, and Introduction to Dairy Technologies, can receive a total of (6 credits) from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:
    • Introduction to Dairy - (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits in AS 1000 Survey of Animal Agriculture.
    • Intro to Dairy Herd Management/Intro to Dairy Business Management/Intro to Dairy Technologies - (3 credits) - Successful completion of these three courses satisfies 3 credits in DS 3000 – Selected Topics.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Laurel Middle High School students must successfully complete the CASE and the Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow courses identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Annville-Cleona High/Middle School

Annville-Cleona High/Middle School students who successfully completes the CASE courses below can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science- Animal: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Agricultural Food and Natural Resources: 3 (Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Annville-Cleona High/Middle School students must successfully complete the curriculum with a “B” (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale) average.
  • Annville-Cleona High/Middle School students must submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admissions and the transcript must list the courses and grades received by the student.

Cedar Crest High School – Lebanon, PA

Cedar Crest High School students who successfully complete Agriculture curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • AgriScience and Technology 1-4 (AG TECH 1-4): This course satisfies 3 credits of general electives within the Plant Science major.
  • AgriScience and Technology 1-4 (AG TECH 1-4) & SAE: This course satisfies 3 credits of general electives within the Agribusiness major.
  • Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:
    • Cedar Crest High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
    • Cedar Crest High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Eastern Lebanon County School District – Myerstown, PA

Eastern Lebanon County School District students who successfully complete Agriculture curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • LAES 120 (3 credits) Sustainability: This course satisfies a requirement in the Landscape Architecture & Environmental Science (LAES) major.
  • AS 1000 (3 credits) Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies requirements in the Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Eastern Lebanon County School District students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Eastern Lebanon County School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Lebanon County Career and Technology Center

1. Lebanon County Career and Technology Center students who successfully complete the Law Enforcement and Securit program and the curriculum therein can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Media Communications and Technology
    • 3 credits - MC 2140 Graphic Design
    • 3 credits - MC 4025 Digital Video Production

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Lebanon County Career and Technology Center students must successfully complete the curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Lebanon County Career and Technology Center students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

2. Lebanon County Career and Technology students who successfully complete the Law Enforcement and Security program and the curriculum therein, can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following:

  • Intro to Criminal Justice CJ 1009 (3 credits)
  • American Police CJ 2015 (3 credits)

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Lebanon County Career and Technology students must successfully complete the Law Enforcement and Security program above, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale). Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Northern Lebanon High School – Fredericksburg, PA

Northern Lebanon High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Large Animal Science and Production (3 credits): This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Large Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Northern Lebanon High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Northern Lebanon High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Lehigh Career and Technical Institute

Lehigh Career and Technical Institute students who successfully complete the Criminal Justice program and the curriculum therein, can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Computer Information Technology: (3) credits for IT 1021 (Infrastructure and Data Analysis)
  • Computer and Networking Technology: (3) credits for IT 1013 (IT Concepts and Basic Apps)
  • Marketing and Entrepreneurship: (3) credits for BA 2017 (Principles of Marketing and (3) credits BA 3141 (Small Business Management)

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Lehigh Career and Technical Institute students must successfully complete the Criminal Justice program with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the courses and grades received by the student.


West Side Career and Technology Center

West Side Career and Technology Center students who successfully complete the Law Enforcement and Police Science program and the curriculum therein, can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CJ 1009  Intro to Criminal Justice (3 Credits)

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • West Side Career and Technology Center students must successfully complete the Law Enforcement and Police Science program with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Northwest Area High School 

Northwest Area High School students who successfully complete the courses below can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following:

  • Animal Science 631- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits in AS 1000 Survey of Animal Agriculture, or 3 credits as a restricted elective.
  • Ag Mechanics 633- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits in PS 2201 Ag Engines and Power.
  • SAE Work Based Learning 640 - (3 Credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits in PS 2110 Fall Farm Practicum.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Northwest Area High School students must successfully complete the Agricultural classes identified above with a "B" average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Montgomery Area School District - Montgomery, PA

Montgomery Area School District students who successfully complete the CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science (Animal and Plant) courses, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following:

  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science- Animal: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science- Plant: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Montgomery Area School District students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Otto-Eldred High School

Otto-Eldred High School students who successfully complete CATS program in Vocational Agriculture: Horticulture curriculum therein can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • AFNR 1-4 (all courses must be completed in the sequence): DelVal restricted elective, 3 credits in the Plant Science Department.
  • AGMECH 1-4 (all courses must be completed in the series): Satisfies PS 2013: Agricultural Machinery.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Otto-Eldred High School students must successfully complete the Protective Services program with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Otto-Eldred High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Mifflin County Academy of Science & Technology – Lewistown, PA

Mifflin County Academy of Science & Technology students who successfully complete the Agriculture Production program of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • AB 1100 (3 credits): Introduction to Agribusiness. This course satisfies a requirement in Agribusiness.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Mifflin County Academy of Science & Technology students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Mifflin County Academy of Science & Technology students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Monroe Career and Technical Institute – Bartonsville, PA

Monroe Career and Technical Institute students who successfully complete the Applied Horticulture program can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Criminal Justice/Police Science:
    • (3) credits CJ 2015 - American Police
    • (3) credits CJ 3210 - Criminal Procedures

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Monroe Career and Technical Institute students must successfully complete the entire Criminal Justice/Police Science program identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- 4-point scale).
  • Monroe Career and Technical Institute students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University, and the transcript must list the courses and grades received by the student.

Central Montco Technical High School

1. Central Montco Technical High School students who successfully complete the Public Safety program and the curriculum therein can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CJ 1009: Intro to Criminal Justice (3 credits)

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Central Montco Technical High School students must successfully complete the curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Central Montco Technical High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

2. Central Montco Technical High School students who successfully complete the Bakery/Pastry Arts and the Culinary Arts program, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

For Baking and Pastry Arts:  

  • FS-1205 Principles of Prof Cooking- 3 Credits
  • FS-3225 Purchasing Food, Bev, and Equipment -3 Credits
  • FS-4222 Foodservice Operations – 3 Credits  

For Culinary Arts:  

  • FS-1205 Principles of Professional Cooking- 3 Credits
  • FS-3225 Purchasing Food, Bev, and Equipment- 3 Credits
  • FS-4222 Foodservice Operations- 3 Credits 

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:  

  • Bucks County Technical High School students must successfully complete the Bakery/Pastry Arts and Culinary Arts program, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale). Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student. 

Eastern Center for Arts and Technology

Eastern Center for Arts and Technolgy students who successfully complete the Protective Services program and the curriculum therein can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CJ 1009: Intro to Criminal Justice (3 credits)

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Eastern Center for Arts and Technology students must successfully complete the curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Eastern Center for Arts and Technology students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Eastern Center for Arts and Technology students who successfully complete the CASE – Principles of Agriculture Science-Animal course below, can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • CASE- Principles of Agriculture Science – Animal (3 credits)- this course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

• Eastern Center for Arts and Technology must successfully complete the CASE- Principles of Agriculture Science- Animal course with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).

• Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student

North Montco Technical Career Center

North Montco Technical Career Center students who successfully complete the Bakery/Pastry Arts and the Culinary Arts program, can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

For Baking and Pastry Arts:

  • FS-1205 Principles of Prof Cooking- 3 Credits
  • FS-3225 Purchasing Food, Bev, and Equipment -3 Credits
  • FS-4222 Foodservice Operations – 3 Credits

For Culinary Arts:

  • FS-1205 Principles of Professional Cooking- 3 Credits
  • FS-3225 Purchasing Food, Bev, and Equipment- 3 Credits
  • FS-4222 Foodservice Operations- 3 Credits

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • North Montco Technical Career Center students must successfully complete the Bakery/Pastry Arts and Culinary Arts program, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Montgomery Area School District

Montgomery Area School District students who successfully complete the CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science (Animal and Plant) courses, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Montgomery Area School District students must successfully complete the CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science (Animal and Plant) courses identified above with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Western Montco Career and Technology Center

  1. Western Montco Career and Technology Center students who successfully complete the Commercial Art and Advertising Design program and the curriculum therein, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:
    • MC 2140 Graphic Design I (3 credits)
    • MC 3040 Digital Photography (3 credits)
  2. Western Montco Career and Technology Center students who successfully complete the Protective Services program and the curriculum therein, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:
    • CJ 1009: Intro to Criminal Justice (3 credits)

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Western Montco Career and Technology students must successfully complete the identified program with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Western Montco Career and Technology students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Western Montco Career and Technology Center

Western Montco Career and Technology Center students who successfully complete the Commercial Art and Advertising Design program and the curriculum therein, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • MC 2140 Graphic Design I (3 credits)
  • MC 3040 Digital Photography (3 credits)

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Western Montco Career and Technology students must successfully complete the Commercial Art and Advertising Design program with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Western Montco Career and Technology students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Danville High School

Danville High School students who successfully complete the CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science-Animal (929 Mammalian Bioscience), and CASE-Principles of Agriculture Science-Plant (918 A Botany), can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science-Animal (3 credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Animal Science major.
  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science-Plant (3 credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Danville High School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.


Bethlehem Area Vocational - Technical School

Bethlehem Area Vocational - Technical School students who successfully complete the coursework below can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

Protective Services/Homeland Security

  • (3) credits CJ 1009 Intro to Criminal Justice

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Bethlehem Area Vocational - Technical School students must successfully complete the courses identified, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale). Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Milton Area High School

Milton Area High School students who successfully complete the CASE Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science — Animal,

CASE Principles of Agriculture Science — Plant, CASE Food Science and Safety, and CASE Natural Resources and Ecology, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE- Intro to Agriculture/Food and Natural Resources: (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits as a restricted elective.
  • CASE- Principles of Agriculture Science- Animal: (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science- Plant: (3 Credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.
  • CASE-Food Science and Safety: (3 Credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits - FS 1203 Intro to Food Science.
  • CASE-Natural Resources and Ecology: (3 Credits) - This course satisfied 3 credits LAES 3125 Principles of Ecology

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Milton Area High School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.


West Perry School District – Elliottsburg, PA

West Perry School District students who successfully complete the Agriculture Science can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • PS 1120 (3 Credits) – Sustainability: Saving the Earth and Feeding the People. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Plant Science majors.
  • AS 1000 (3 Credits) – Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • West Perry School District students must successfully complete the Agricultural Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • West Perry School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Lankenau Environmental Science Magnet High School

The U School and Lankenau Environmental Science Magnet High School students who successfully completes the Agriculture& Food Products Processing curriculum can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • “FAN” Food, Agriculture & Natural Resources: The course will serve as a 3 credit elective within the Plant Sciences/LAES majors: LAES 1120 (3 credits) Sustainability.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • The U School and Lankenau Environmental Science Magnet High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture& Food Products Processing curriculum with a “B” (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale) average.
  • The U School and Lankenau Environmental Science Magnet High School students must submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admissions and the transcript must list the courses and grades received by the student.

The U School – Philadelphia, PA

The U School students who successfully complete the Agriculture & Food Products Processing curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • LAES 1120 (3 Credits) – Sustainability: “FAN” Food, Agriculture & Natural Resources. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Plant Sciences/LAES majors.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • The U School students must successfully complete the Agriculture & Food Products Processing curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • The U School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

W.B. Saul High School

1. W.B. Saul High School students who successfully complete the three-year course sequence in Natural Resource Management can receive credit from Delaware Valley University for the following:

  • Natural Resource Management (6 credits): This three-year program satisfies 6 credits restricted electives in the Natural Resource Management major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • W.B. Saul High School students must successfully complete the Natural Resource Management program identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale).
  • W.B. Saul High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University, and the transcript must list the courses and grades received by the student.

2. W. B. Saul High School students who successfully complete the Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations:

  • Horticulture 1 - (3 Credits) of restricted electives in the Horticulture major.
  • Horticulture 2 - (3 Credits) of restricted electives in the Horticulture major.
  • Horticulture 3 - (3 Credits) of restricted electives in the Horticulture major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • W. B. Saul High School students must successfully complete the Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations program with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale). Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.


3. W. B. Saul High School students who successfully complete the Animal Science program can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course(s):

  • Animal Science program:  (3 Credits) – AS 1006 – Intro to Animal Science.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • W. B. Saul High School students must successfully complete the Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations program with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale). Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.


4. W. B. Saul High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture and Food Products Processing program can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course(s):

  • (3 Credits) - FS 1123- Food Service Systems.
  • (3 Credits) - FS 2110- Meal and Menu Processing

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • W. B. Saul High School students must successfully complete the Applied Horticulture/Horticulture Operations program with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale). Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Keystone Central School District Career and Technology Center

University credits earned through this articulation agreement will offer students additional flexibility in course selection and allow students to earn credits that can be applied to their degree requirements. Keystone Central School District Career and Technology Center students who successfully complete the classes below can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Ag Mechanics- (3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits PS2201 Ag Engines.
  • Natural Resources-(3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Environmental Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Keystone Central School District Career and Technology Center students must successfully complete the Agricultural classes identified above with a "B" average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).

Schuylkill Technology Center

Schuylkill Technology Center students who successfully complete the Criminal Justice program and the curriculum therein, can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CJ 1009  Intro to Criminal Justice (3 Credits)

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Schuylkill Technology Center students must successfully complete the Criminal Justice with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Tri-Valley School District – Valley View, PA

Tri-Valley School District students who successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • PS 1120 (3 Credits) – Sustainability: Saving the Earth and Feeding the People. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Plant Science majors.
  • AS 1000 (3 Credits) – Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Tri-Valley School District students must successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Tri-Valley School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Midd-West School District – Middleburg, PA

Midd-West School District students who successfully complete the Agricultural Business and Horticulture/Landscaping curriculum courses below can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Agricultural Business: (3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Agribusiness major
  • Horticulture/Landscaping: (3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Midd-West School District students must successfully complete the Agricultural Business and Horticulture/Landscaping curriculum identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Midd-West School District students must submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission. The transcript must list the courses and grades received by the student.

Selinsgrove Area School District

University credits earned through this articulation agreement will offer students additional flexibility in course selection and allow students to earn credits that can be applied to their degree requirements. Selinsgrove Area School District students who successfully complete the Horticultural Science A curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • Horticultural Science A: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Selinsgrove Area School District students must successfully complete the Horticultural Science A curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Selinsgrove Area School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Meyersdale Area School District – Meyersdale, PA

Meyersdale Area School District students who successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • PS 1101 Exploring Horticulture, Science, and the Environment (3 credits)
  • AS 1000 Survey of Animal Agriculture (3 credits)
  • LAES 1120 Sustainability: Saving the Earth and Feeding the People (3 credits) 

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Meyersdale Area School District students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Meyersdale Area School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Salisbury Elk Lick School District – Salisbury, PA

University credits earned through this articulation agreement will offer students additional flexibility in course selection and allow students to earn credits that can be applied to their degree requirements. Salisbury Elk Lick School District students who successfully complete the coursework below can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following:

  • Advanced Vet Animal Science (3 credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science curriculum.
  • Agriculture Mechanization (6 credits) – This course curriculum satisfies credits in the following:
    • (3 credits) - PS 2013 - Agriculture Machinery
    • (3 credits) - PS 2201 - Agriculture Engines and Power Application

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Salisbury Elk Lick School District students must successfully complete the classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Somerset Area Senior High School – Somerset, PA

Somerset Area Senior High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture Education curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Agriscience I & II – Completion of both of these courses satisfies 3 credits within the Plant Science major.
  • Agriscience III – Completion of this course satisfies 3 restricted credits within the Plant Science major.
  • Agriscience IV – Completion of this course satisfies 3 credits within the Agribusiness major.
  • Agricultural Mechanics Seminar I & II – Completion of both of these courses satisfies the PS 2013-201 and PS 2013L Agricultural Machinery Course.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Somerset Area Senior High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Somerset Area Senior High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Cowanesque Valley High School – Westfield, PA

Cowanesque Valley High School students who successfully complete Agriculture Science curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • PS 1120 (3 Credits) – Sustainability: Saving the Earth and Feeding the People. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Plant Science majors.
  • AS 1000 (3 Credits) – Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Cowanesque Valley High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).

Cowanesque Valley High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Wellsboro High School

Wellsboro High School students who successfully complete the CASE Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Animal, and CASE Agricultural Business: Research and Development, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE- Intro to Agriculture/Food, Natural Resource:  (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business
  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.
  • CASE- Natural Resources and Ecology (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits LAES Principles of Ecology

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Wellsboro High School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Mifflinburg Area School District

Mifflinburg Area School District students who successfully complete the Agriculture Productions Program can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • AE 1120 (3 credits) Sustainability:  Saving the Earth and Feeding the People.  This course satisfies a requirement in the Agronomy, Environmental Science and Turf Management programs.
  • HT 1101 (2 credits) Exploring Horticulture, Science and the Environment.  This course satisfies requirements in Commercial Crop Production, Marketing, Hydroponic Crop Science, Plant Science and Biotechnology.
  • AS 1000 (3 credits) Survey of Animal Agriculture.  This course satisfies requirements in Livestock Science and Management, Equine Science and Management and Science Specializations and Dairy Science.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Mifflinburg Area School District students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Warrior Run High School

Warrior Run High School students who successfully complete the following courses can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University:

  • CASE AFNR- Agriculture Food and Natural Resources- (3 credits)- this course satisfies 3 credits as a restricted elective
  • Small Gas Engines- (3 credits)- this course satisfies 3 credits as PS 2201 Ag. Eng. and Power App.
  • Animal Science- (3 credits)- this course satisfies 3 credits as AS 1006 Intro to Animal Science
  • Welding and Fabrication- (2 credits)- this course satisfies 2 credits as a restricted elective
  • Advanced Welding Techniques- (3 credits)- this course satisfies 3 credits as a restricted elective
  • Industrial Woodworking- (2 credits)- this course satisfies 2 credits as a restricted elective
  • Independent Study Agriculture- (2 credits)- this course satisfies 2 credits as a restricted elective   

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Successful completion of the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Avella Area School District – Avella, PA

Avella Area School District students who successfully complete the Agriculture Science can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • Animal Science (1 credit): This course satisfies 1 credit of restricted electives within the Animal Science major.
  • Horticulture (1 credit): This course satisfies 1 credit of restricted electives within the Plant Science major.
  • Students passing the NOCTI exam at the proficient level or above will receive 1 Plant Science credit for Production Agriculture 3063 and/or 1 Horticulture credit for Applied Horticulture 8157

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Avella Area School District students must successfully complete the Animal Science, Horticulture, and Production Agriculture/Greenhouse Management curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Avella Area School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Fort Cherry School District

Fort Cherry High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum therein, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Horticulture (3 credits) – Horticulture Science. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Plant Science major and 3 credits with restricted electives
  • Animal Science (3 credits) – This course satisfies requirements in Livestock Science and Management, Equine Science and Management and Science Specializations and Dairy Science

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • •    Fort Cherry High School students must successfully complete the curriculum identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

McGuffey School District

McGuffey School District students who successfully complete Agriculture Science curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Horticulture and Greenhouse Production: This course satisfies 3 elective credits within the Plant Science major.
  • Animal/Veterinary Science: AS 1000 (3 credits) Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies requirements in the Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • McGuffey School District students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • McGuffey School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Trinity High School - Washington, PA

Trinity High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • PS 1120 (3 Credits) – Sustainability: Saving the Earth and Feeding the People. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Plant Science majors.
  • AS 1000 (3 Credits) – Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies 3 credits with the Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Trinity High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).

Trinity High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Honesdale and Wallenpaupack High School

Honesdale and Wallenpaupack High School students who successfully complete the classes below can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Ag Mechanics- (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits PS2201 Ag Engines.
  • Horticulture -(3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in all majors.
  • Forestry- (3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits LAES 3132 Dendrology.
  • CASE ASA Animal (3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Honesdale and Wallenpaupack High School students must successfully complete the Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).


Derry Area High School – Derry, PA

Derry Area High School students who successfully complete Agriculture curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • Introduction to Agriculture, Food & Natural Sci: This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Agribusiness major.
  • Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal: This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Animal Science major.
  • Natural Resources and Ecology: This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Landscape Architecture & Environmental Science (LAES) major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Derry Area High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Derry Area High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Dover Area High School – Dover, PA

Dover Area High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum therein, can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • 874 Agriculture Business & Marketing: This course satisfies (3) credits of restricted electives within the Agribusiness major.
  • 873 Large Animal Science: This course satisfies (3) credits of restricted electives within the Large Animal Science major.
  • 876 Horticulture II and Greenhouse Production and Floral Design: These courses satisfy (3) credits of restricted electives within the Plant Science major.
  • 870 Botany and Plant Systems: This course satisfies (3) credits within the Landscape Architecture and Environmental Science (LAES) major.
  • 859 and 860 - CASE- AFNR- Agriculture Food and Natural Resources: (3) credits as AB 1100-Intro to Ag Business, or (3) credits of a restricted elective.
  • CASE- ABF- Agriculture Business Foundations: (2) credits as Ag Business restricted elective

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Dover Area High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum above, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Eastern York High School – Wrightsville, PA

Eastern York High School students who successfully complete Agriculture Science curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • Animal Science and Management: This course satisfies 2 restricted elective credits total within the Animal Science major.
  • Horticulture and Greenhouse Management: This course satisfies 2 restricted elective credits within the Plant Science major.
  • Pre-Veterinary Science – This course satisfies 2 restricted elective credits total within the Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Eastern York High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Eastern York High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.


Spring Grove High School

The purpose of this articulation agreement is to provide an articulation process whereby Spring Grove Area High School students, that successfully complete the program of study identified below, will receive University credit for this program while attending Delaware Valley University.

The goals of the articulation process are to:

a. Provide students with a wide variety of academic coursework that prepare them for a baccalaureate degree; and,

b. Recognize and reward students for university-level competencies achieved during high school; and,

c. Assist students in making a smooth transition from high school to post-secondary education.

University credits earned through this Articulation Agreement will offer students additional flexibility in course selection and allow students to earn credits that can be transferred to Delaware Valley University and applied toward their degree requirements.

Spring Grove Area High School students who successfully complete the coursework below can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Intro to Small Engines: This course satisfies (3) credits for 2201 Ag Engines.
  • Environmental Science 1: This course satisfies (3) credits of restricted electives in the Environmental Sciences major.
  • Environmental Science 2: This course satisfies (3) credits of restricted electives in the Environmental Sciences major.
  • Intro to Ag Science: This course satisfies (6) credits of restrictive electives for the Sustainable Ag major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based upon the following:

  • Spring Grove Area High School students must successfully complete the coursework above, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale). Spring Grove Area High School will submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.


Kennard-Dale High School – Fawn Grove, PA

Kennard-Dale High School students who successfully complete the following courses can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University:

  • Natural Resource Management II A/B- (2 credits)- restricted elective in the Environmental Science major
  • CASE- Agriculture Science- Plant- (3 credits)- restricted elective in the Plant Science major
  • Veterinary Science- (1 Credit)- restricted elective in the Animal Science major

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Successful completion of the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Northern York County School District – Dillsburg, PA

Northern High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • PS 1120 (3 credits): Sustainability: Saving the Earth and Feeding the People. This course satisfies requirements in Plant Science majors.
  • AS 1000 (3 credits): Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Northern High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).

Northern High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Red Lion Area Senior High School

Red Lion Area Senior High School students who successfully complete the CASE classes below can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science- Animal: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Animal Science major.
  • CASE-Principles of Agriculture Science-Plant: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Plant Science major.
  • CASE- Agriculture Food and Natural Resources: (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits restricted electives.
  • CASE- Agriculture Business Foundations: (2 Credits) – This course satisfies 2 credits as an Ag Business elective.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Red Lion Area Senior High School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).

Tri Valley School District

Tri Valley High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture courses below can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Ag Science I, II, III, IV- 3 credits- AS 1000- Survey of Animal Agriculture
  • Small Gas Engines I,II- 3 credits- PS 2201- Ag Engines
  • Forestry- 3 credits- LAES 3132- Dendrology

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Tri Valley High School students must successfully complete the Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.
New Jersey

Buena Regional High School – Buena, NJ

Buena Regional High School students who successfully complete the CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant and CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal Science curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant: (3 Credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits or restricted electives within the Plant Science major.
  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal: (3 Credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Intro to Agriculture/Food and Natural Resources- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits as a restricted elective.

  • CASE- Food Science and Safety- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits as FS1203- Into into Food Science.

  • Flower Business Management- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits as PS4106- Marketing of Horticulture Products

  • All Flower and Landscape Design Classes- Cut Flowers, Bereavement, Special Arrangements, Weddings, Corsages, Boutonnieres, Geometry of Floral Design, Horticulture ID, Floral ID, History of Floral Design -(6 credits)- These courses satisfy 3 credits as LAES3232- Intro to Floral Design, and 3 credits as LAES 4145- Advanced Floral Design.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Buena Regional High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Buena Regional High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Saint Joseph's Academy

Saint Joseph’s Academy students will be guaranteed admission into Delaware Valley University as a full-time matriculated students on the condition that they:

  • Graduate from SJA with an earned high school diploma
  • Earn a minimum of 75% or better on a 100% scale. (Students below a 75% will be reviewed on an individual basis)
  • Satisfy all other admission application requirements

In addition to the guaranteed admissions component of this agreement, Delaware Valley University will provide qualified Saint Joseph’s Academy graduates institutional academic and merit scholarships. These scholarships are renewable for four years provided the student remains a full-time student and maintains satisfactory academic progress as defined by the University.

Burlington County Institute of Technology

Burlington County Institute of Technology students who successfully complete the Advertising Arts and Computer Graphics program and the curriculum therein, below can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • MC 2140 Graphic Design (3 credits)
  • MC 3040 Digital Photography (3 credits)

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Burlington County Institute of Technology students must successfully complete the Arts and Computer Graphics program identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Northern Burlington County Regional School District – Columbus, NJ

Northern Burlington County Regional School District students who successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Advanced Plant Science: This course satisfies 3 credits within the Plant Science major or 3 credits within restricted electives.
  • Advanced Animal Science (2600): This course satisfies requirements in Large Animal Science Electives or 3 credits with restricted electives.
  • Agricultural Mechanization (10201): This complete course sequence satisfies PS 2201 Agricultural Engine & Power Apps.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Northern Burlington County Regional School District students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Northern Burlington County Regional School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Camden County Technical Schools

Camden County Technical Schools students who successfully complete the coursework below and curriculum therein, can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following:

  • Graphic Communications or Graphic Arts: 3 credits MC 2140- Graphic Design
  • Digital Media Communications or Video Production: 3 credits MC 3040- Digital Photography MC OR 3 credits 4025 Digital Video Production

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Camden County Technical Schools students must successfully complete the Programs above, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Cape May County Technical School District

Cape May County Technical School District students who successfully complete the Environmental Science and Sustainability program and the curriculum therein can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • 3 credits LAES 2016- Basic Plant Management
  • 3 credits PS 4209-Greehouse Management
  • 3 credits Restricted Electives

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Cape May County Technical School District students must successfully complete the Environmental Science and Sustainability program with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.


Cumberland Regional High School – Bridgeton, NJ

Cumberland Regional High School students who successfully complete the CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science (Animal and Plant), CASE-Food Science and safety, CASE-Agricultural Research and Development, and CASE Agriculture/Food, Natural Resource curriculum, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Animal Science major.
  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.
  • CASE-Food Science and Safety: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Food Science major.
  • CASE-Agricultural Research and Development: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sciences major.
  • CASE-Agriculture/Food, Natural Resource: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Cumberland Regional High School students must successfully complete the curriculum with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Cumberland Regional High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Vineland High School – Vineland, NJ

Vineland High School students who successfully complete the CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science (Plant), and CASE-Agriculture/Food, Natural Resource curriculum, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.
  • CASE-Agriculture/Food, Natural Resource: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Vineland High School students must successfully complete the curriculum with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Essex County Schools of Technology District

Essex County Schools of Technology District students who successfully complete the CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant, CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal, CASE-Food Science and Safety, and CASE-Agricultural Research and Development curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Plant Science major.
  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Animal Science major.
  • CASE-Food and Safety: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Food Science major.
  • CASE-Agricultural Research and Development: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sciences major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Essex County Schools of Technology District students must successfully complete the Agricultural Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Essex County Schools of Technology District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Essex County Vocational Technical School

Essex County Vocational Technical School students who successfully complete the CASE - Principles of Agricultural Science, CASE- Food Science and Safety, and CASE- Agricultural Research and Development curriculum, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Plant Science major.
  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Food Science and Safety: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Food Science major.
  • CASE- Agricultural Research and Development: (3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits restricted electives in the Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sciences major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Essex County Vocational Technical School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural and Ag Mechanics I classes identified above with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Livingston High School

Livingston High School students who successfully complete the CASE-Natural Resources and Ecology, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE-Natural Resources and Ecology (3 credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits in LAES 1203-Principles of Ecology.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Livingston High School students must successfully complete the curriculum identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.


Delsea Regional High School

Delsea Regional High School students who successfully complete the Horticulture 1, 2, 3, and 4, and the curriculum therein, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Horticulture 1 (3 credits) -  Restricted electives in Plant Science
  • Horticulture 2 (3 credits) -  Plant Science 2101 Botany of Vascular Plants
  • Horticulture 3 & 4 (2 credits) – Restricted electives in Nursery and Landscaping

Delsea Regional High School students must successfully complete the Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Kingsway Regional High School

Kingsway Regional High School students who successfully complete the Animal Science curriculum therein, can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Animal Science - 3 credits AS 1000- Survey of Animal Agriculture

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Successful completion of the Animal Science course with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Delaware Valley Regional High School

Delaware Valley Regional High School students who successfully complete the CASE- courses identified below can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

• CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science- Animal: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within Animal Science major.

• CASE- Agricultural Food and Natural Resources: 3 (Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

• Delaware Valley Regional High School students must successfully complete the CASE courses identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale).

• Delaware Valley Regional High School students must submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University.

Hunterdon County Polytech Career & Technical School

1. Hunterdon County Polytech Career & Technical School students who successfully complete the Animal Science program of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • AS 1000 (3 Credits) – Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Animal Science, Equine Science and Management and Small Animal Science.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Hunterdon County Polytech Career & Technical School students must successfully complete the Animal Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Hunterdon County Polytech Career & Technical School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

2. Hunterdon County Polytech Career and Technical School students who successfully complete the Law Enforcement and Homeland Security program and the curriculum therein, can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • 3 credits          Intro to Criminal Justice      CJ 1009

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:                       

  • Hunterdon County Polytech Career and Technical School students must successfully complete the Law Enforcement and Homeland Security program with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing

         the course and grade received by the student.

3. Hunterdon County Polytech Career and Technical School students who successfully complete the Commercial Arts and Advertising Design program and the curriculum therein, below can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • MC 2140 Graphic Design (3 credits)
  • MC 3040 Digital Photography (3 credits)

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Hunterdon County Polytech Career and Technical School students must successfully complete the Arts and Computer Graphics program identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Hunterdon County Vocational School District

Hunterdon County Vocational School District students who successfully complete the CASE course and the curriculum therein, can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE- Natural Resources and Ecology (3 credits) - LAES Principles of Ecology Environmental Sustainability/Engineering

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Hunterdon County Vocational School District students must successfully complete the CASE Natural Resources and Ecology course with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale). Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

South Hunterdon Regional High School - Lambertville, NJ

South Hunterdon Regional High School students who successfully complete the CASE Animal Science (ASA) and CASE Plant Science (ASP) curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE Animal Science (ASA): (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Animal Science major.
  • CASE Plant Science (ASP): (3 Credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted elective within the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • South Hunterdon Regional High School students must successfully complete the CASE Animal Science (ASA) and the CASE Plant Science (ASP) curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • South Hunterdon Regional High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Mercer County Technical Schools

University credits earned through this articulation agreement will offer students additional flexibility in course selection and allow students to earn credits that can be applied to their degree requirements. Mercer County Technical School students who successfully complete the coursework below can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following:

Mercer County Technical School curriculum:

  • Graphic Design I and II (program completion)
    • (3) credits – MC 2140 Graphic Design
  • Criminalistics and Criminal Justice I and II (program completion)
    • (3) credits – CJ 1009 Intro to Criminal Justice
    • (3) credits – CJ 4200 Criminalistics

Mercer County Technical School curriculum (level I)

  • Curriculum Unit 1: Introduction to Horticulture – (3 credits) of restricted electives for the Hort or Sus Ag major.
  • Curriculum Unit 2: Tools of Horticulture – no credit awarded.
  • Curriculum Unit 3: Soil Fundamentals – (3 credits) of restricted electives for any Plant Science and/or Landscaping major
  • Curriculum Unit 4: Plant Science
  • Curriculum Unit 5: Plant Reproduction – (3 credits)- PS 3005 Plant Propagation
  • Curriculum Unit 6: Planting – Units 4, 6 & 7 together – (3 credits) - LAES 2016 Basic Plant Maintenance
  • Curriculum Unit 7: Maintenance of Plant

Mercer County Technical School curriculum: (level II)

  • Curriculum Unit 1: Introduction to Horticulture II - (3 credits) of restricted electives for the Horticulture or Sustainable Agriculture major.
  • Curriculum Unit 2: The Business of Horticulture - (3 credits) PS 4106 marketing of Horticulture Products.
  • Curriculum Unit 3: Turfgrass - (3 credits) of restricted electives for the Turfgrass major.
  • Curriculum Unit 4: Introduction to Arboriculture - (3 credits) LAES 3225 Arboriculture.
  • Curriculum Unit 5: Pest Management - (3 credits) of restricted electives for the Horticulture or Sustainable Agriculture major.
  • Curriculum Unit 6: Landscape Design - (3 credits) LAES 1125 Introduction to Design.
  • Curriculum Unit 7: Landscape Construction - (3 credits) LAES 3166 Construction Methods.


Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Mercer County Technical School students must successfully complete the courses identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Middlesex County Vocational & Technical Schools

  1. Middlesex County Vocational & Technical Schools students who successfully complete the Agriscience Technology curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:
    • LAES 1120 (3 Credits): Sustainability: Saving the Earth and Feeding the People. This course satisfies a requirement in the Agronomy, Environmental Science and Turf Management programs. The course will serve as a 3 credit elective for all other programs found in this agreement. 
    • LAES 3137 (3 Credits): Today’s Sustainable Homestead. This course satisfies requirements in Floriculture, Environmental Design and Landscape Contracting.
    • PS 1101(2 Credits): Exploring Horticulture, Science and the Environment. This course satisfies requirements in Commercial Crop Production, Marketing, Hydroponic Crop Science, Plant Science and Biotechnology. 
  2. Middlesex County Vocational & Technical Schools students who successfully complete the Commercial Art and Advertising Design program and the curriculum therein, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:
    • MC 2140 Graphic Design 1: 3 credits
    • MC 3040 Digital Photography: 3 credits

Acceptance of the Agriscience curriculum and of the Commercial Art and Advertising Design curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Middlesex County Vocational & Technical Schools students must successfully complete the curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Middlesex County Vocational & Technical Schools students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Allentown High School – Allentown, NJ

Allentown High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • Botanical Science (CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant): This course satisfies 3 credits within the Plant Science major or satisfies the PS 2101-201 Botany of Vascular Plants course.
  • Animal Science (CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal): This course satisfies requirements in Large Animal Science electives or 3 credits with restricted electives.
  • Food Science (CASE-Food Science and Safety): This course satisfies 3 restricted elective credits within the Food Science major.
  • CASE-Natural Resources and Ecology (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits LAES Principles of Ecology

  • CASE- Animal and Plant Biotechnology (2 Credits)- This course satisfies 2 credits as an Ag Business restricted elective.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Allentown High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Allentown High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Freehold Regional High School District

Freehold Regional High School District students who successfully complete the CASE curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE Principles of Agricultural Science-Animal: This course satisfies requirements in Large Animal Science or 3 credits with restricted electives.
  • Floral and Landscape Design: This course satisfies 3 restricted elective credits within the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Freehold Regional High School District students must successfully complete the curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Freehold Regional High School District students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Freehold Township High School – Freehold Township, NJ

Freehold Township High School students who successfully complete the CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal Science curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal: This course 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:
  • Freehold Township High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Freehold Township High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Penns Grove High School – Carneys Point, NJ

Penns Grove High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • PS 1120 (3 Credits) – Sustainability: Saving the Earth and Feeding the People. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Plant Science majors.
  • AS 1000 (3 Credits) – Survey of Animal Agriculture. This course satisfies 3 credits within the Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Agricultural Food and Natural Resources: (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives.
  • CASE Agricultural Power and Technology: (2 credits)- This course satisfies 2 credits of restricted electives in the Agriculture Business major.
  • CASE Animal and Plant Biotechnology: (2 credits)- This course satisfies 2 credits of restricted electives in the Agriculture Business major

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Penns Grove High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Penns Grove High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Salem County Career & Technical High School – Pilesgrove Township, NJ

1. Salem County Career & Technical High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Animal Science (CASE): This course satisfies requirements in Large Animal Science electives or 3 credits within restricted electives.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Salem County Career & Technical High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).

Salem County Career & Technical High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

2. Salem County Vocational Technical High School students who successfully complete the CASE Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Animal, CASE Agriculture: Research and Development, CASE Food Science Safety, CASE Agriculture Business Foundations, and CASE Agriculture Power and Technology can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • CASE- Intro to Agriculture/Food and Natural Resources: (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business, or 3 credits as a restricted elective.
  • CASE- Principles of Agriculture Science- Animal (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE-Agricultural Business, Research and Development -(3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits restricted electives in the Plant Science majors; Horticulture, Crop Science, Sustainable Agriculture, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sciences
  • CASE- Food Science Safety - (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits as FS 1203- Intro into Food Science.
  • CASE-Agriculture Business Foundations (2 credits)- This course satisfies 2 credits as an Ag Business restricted elective
  • CASE- Agriculture Power and Technology-(2 credits)- This course satisfies 2 credits as an Ag Business restricted elective

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Salem County Vocational Technical High School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Woodstown High School – Salem, NJ

Woodstown High School students who successfully complete the CASE curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE Principles of Agricultural Science-Plant: This course satisfies 3 credits within the Plant Science major or satisfies PS 2101-201 Botany of Vascular Plants course. 
  • CASE Principles of Agricultural Science-Animal: This course satisfies requirements in Large Animal Science or 3 credits with restricted electives.
  • CASE Food Science and Safety: This course satisfies 3 restricted elective credits within the Food Science major.
  • CASE Agricultural Research: This course satisfies 3 restricted elective credits in the Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sciences major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Woodstown High School students must successfully complete the curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Woodstown High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Somerset County Vocational Schools

Somerset County Vocational School students who successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 within the Plant Science major or satisfies the PS 2101-201 Botany of Vascular Plants Course.
  • CASE-Agricultural Research and Development: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sciences major.

Somerset County Vocational Technical School students who successfully complete the CASE Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Plant, CASE Agriculture and Research Development, and CASE Agriculture Business Foundations can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • CASE- Intro to Agriculture/Food and Natural Resources- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business, or 3 credits as a restricted elective.
  • CASE- Principles of Agriculture Science- Animal- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science- Plant- (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.
  • CASE- Food Science Safety (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits as FS 1203- Intro into Food Science.
  • CASE- Natural Resources and Ecology- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits- LAES Principles of Ecology.
  • CASE- Agriculture Power and Technology-(2 credits)- This course satisfies 2 credits as an Ag Business restricted elective
  • CASE- Animal and Plant Biotechnology- (2 credits)- This course satisfies 2 credits as an Ag Business restricted elective.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Somerset County Vocational Schools students must successfully complete the Agricultural Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Somerset County Vocational Schools students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Somerset County Vocational and Technical High School

Somerset County Vocational and Technical High School students who successfully complete the CASE Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Plant, CASE Agriculture: Research and Development, and CASE Agriculture Business Foundations, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE- Intro to Agriculture/Food and Natural Resources: (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits as a restricted elective in Ag Business.
  • CASE- Principles of Agriculture Science- Plant (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.
  • CASE-Agricultural Business, Research and Development -(3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits restricted electives in the Plant Science majors; Horticulture, Crop Science, Sustainable Agriculture, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sciences
  • CASE-Agriculture Business Foundations (2 credits)- This course satisfies 2 credits as an Ag Business restricted elective

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Somerset County Vocational and Technical High School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.


Sussex County Technical School – Sparta, NJ

Sussex County Technical School students who successfully complete the CASE-Agricultural Research and Development, and CASE-Agriculture/Food, Natural Resource curriculum, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE-Agricultural Research and Development:  (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sciences major.
  • CASE-Agriculture/Food, Natural Resource:  (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business
  • CASE- Environmental Science Issues: (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits in the Plant Science Majors.
  • CASE-Natural Resources and Ecology: (3 credits)- This course satisfied LAES 3125 Principles of Ecology.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Sussex County Technical School students must successfully complete the curriculum with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).

Sussex County Technical School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Belvidere High School

Belvidere High School students who successfully complete the Landscaping, Agriculture Mechanics, Agriculture Science, and Floriculture 1 courses, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Landscaping (3 credits) – LAS 1025 Intro to Landscape Design
  • Agriculture Mechanics (3 credits) – PS 2201 Agriculture Engines and Power
  • Agriculture Science (3 credits) – PS 2101 Botany of Vascular Plants
  • Floriculture 1 (3 credits) – LAES 3232 Intro to Floral Design

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Belvidere High School students must successfully complete the curriculum identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

North Warren High School – Blairstown, NJ

North Warren High School students who successfully complete the CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science (Animal and Plant), and CASE-Agriculture/Food, Natural Resource curriculum, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal:  (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Animal Science major.
  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant:  (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.
  • CASE-Agriculture/Food, Natural Resource:  (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • North Warren High School students must successfully complete the curriculum with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • North Warren High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Phillipsburg School District – Phillipsburg, NJ

Phillipsburg High School students who successfully complete the coursework below can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

Honors Animal Science:

  • (3 credits) AS 1000- Survey of Animal Agriculture  

 Honors Plant Science:

  • (3 credits) LAES 1120- Sustainability: Saving the Earth, People, and Plants
  • Landscape Design and Maintenance:
  • (3 credits) LAES 1125- Intro to Design for Landscape Architecture and Design majors

Advanced Landscaping:  

  • (3 credits) PS 2201 Ag Engines
  • (3 credits) LAES 2016 Basic Plant Management For Landscape Architecture and Design Majors

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:  

  • Phillipsburg High School students must successfully complete the coursework above with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale). Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student. 
  • Warren Hills Regional High School – Washington, NJ

Warren Hills Regional High School students who successfully complete the CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant and CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal Science curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant: (3 Credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits or restricted electives within the Plant Science major.
  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal: (3 Credits) - This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Animal Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Warren Hills Regional High School students must successfully complete the Agriculture Science curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).

Warren Hills Regional High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Warren Hills Regional High School

Warren Hills Regional High School students who successfully complete the CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Animal, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Plant, and CASE Food Science Safety can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University, as identified below:

· CASE- Principles of Agriculture Science- Animal (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.

· CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science- Plant (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.

· CASE-Food Science Safety (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits FS 1203- Intro into Food Science.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

· Warren Hills Regional High School students must successfully complete the CASE classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.


Lyman Hall High School

Lyman Hall High School students who successfully complete the Large Animal and Equine Science program can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following:

  • Large Animal and Equine Science Program at Lyman Hall High School: this program satisfies 4 credits- ES Equine Science restricted electives

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Lyman Hall High School students must successfully complete the Programs above, with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

Ledyard High School – Ledyard, CT

Ledyard High School students who successfully complete the Animal Science, Livestock Management and/or the Livestock Production course can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Animal Science: (3 credits) – AS 1000 Survey of Animal Agriculture
  • Livestock Management:  (3 credits) – AS 1000 Survey of Animal Agriculture
  • Livestock Production:  (3 credits) – AS 1000 Survey of Animal Agriculture

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Ledyard High School students must successfully complete the curriculum with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Ledyard High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

1. The Delaware Department of Education("DDOE") and Delaware Valley University enter into this articulation agreement in order to facilitate the enrollment of students from the Delaware Plant Science Career and Technical Education("CTE") State Model Program of Study into Delaware Valley University. This agreement is valid for the time period specified above or until completion of the program of study revision cycle, whichever occurs first.

Subject to terms of this agreement, when a student completes the following coursework as part of an approved state model CTE program at the secondary level, the student may enter Delaware Valley University with the articulated credits specified below, resulting in advanced standing.

Program of Study Course(s):

  • Foundations of Plant Science
  • Plant and Soil Systems
  • Plant Systems Management and Sustainability

Number of credits: 6 credits in any restrictive electives in the School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences.

The terms of this agreement are as follows:

Delaware Local Education Agency(LEA)/Delaware Department of Education will:

  • Submit, have approved, and make available the Delaware Plant Science Career & Technical Education(CTE) state model program of study in accordance with Delaware Department of Education requirements.
  • Communicate details of this agreement to LEA Career and Technical Education leadership and educators engaged in the teaching and advisement processes, in addition to the Delaware Office of Higher Education.
  • Invite Delaware Valley University to participate in the review process for this program of Award separately, and in conjunction with Delaware Valley University, any credits earned as part of the program of study through Dual Enrollment or Dual Credit and Provide Delaware Valley University with a list of students meeting the requirements under this agreement annually.
  • Provide Delaware high schools offering this program of study with a list of students meeting, or projected to meet, the requirements under this agreement annually.

Students will:

  • Complete the coursework specified herein, earning a minimum grade of 80% in each course.
  • Earn a passing grade in each course(s) in districts utilizing a Pass/fail grading system and meet the admission dates, procedures, and requirements that apply to all new students at Delaware Valley University.

Delaware Valley University will:

  • Award the agreed upon number of academic and/or technical credits or a period of up to three(3) years following high school graduation or GED conference.
  • Ensure credits are recorded on the student transcript; for a period of three(3) years from date of award, accept articulated credits/courses from other postsecondary institutions with corresponding articulation agreements, in not less than the equivalent manner(and/or where applicable to the degree) as if said credits/courses would have been directly awarded through articulation.
  • Communicate details of this agreement to all stakeholders, which includes but is not limited to, academic leadership, department chair(s), faculty and adjunct faculty, customer service staff, program managers, career development office, and admissions.
  • Notify the DDOE Postsecondary Program Education Associate of any program discontinuances or substantive changes and plans to accommodate impacted students.
  • Provide the DDOE Postsecondary Program Education Associate with the number of students matriculating from the Delaware CIE program of study into Delaware Valley University with advanced standing under this agreement on March 1, or upon request, annually and Award separately, and in conjunction with the applicable school district or charter, any credits earned as part of the program of study through Dual Enrollment or Dual Credit.


2. The Delaware Department of Education (“DDOE”) and Delaware Valley University enter into this articulation agreement in order to facilitate the enrollment of students from the Delaware Academy of Business Information Management Career and Technical Education (“CTE”) State Model Program of Study into Delaware Valley University. This agreement is valid for the time period specified above or until completion of the program of study revision cycle, whichever occurs first.

Subject to terms of this agreement, when a student completes the following coursework as part of an approved state model CTE program at the secondary level, the student may enter Delaware Valley University with the articulated credits specified below, resulting in advanced standing.

Program of Study Course(s):

  • Business Information Technology
    • Delaware Valley University Course Name: Basic IT Concepts and Applications
    • 3 Credits
  • Global Business Economics
    • Delaware Valley University Course Name: Macroeconomics
    • 3 Credits
  • Entrepreneurship
    • Delaware Valley University Course Name: Small Business Management
    • 3 Credits

The terms of this agreement are as follows:

  • Students who complete the Business Information Technology course, earning an 80% or above will receive credit for IT 1013 Basic IT Concepts and Applications (3 Credits).
  • Students who complete the Global Business Economics course, earning an 80% or above will receive credit for BA 2008 Macroeconomics (3 Credits).
  • Students who complete the Entrepreneurship course, earning an 80% or above will receive credit for BA 3141 Small Business Management (3 Credits).

Delaware Local Education Agency (LEA)/Delaware Department of Education will:

  • Submit, have approved, and make available the Academy of Business Information Management Career & Technical Education (CTE) state model program of study in accordance with Delaware Department of Education requirements.
  • Communicate details of this agreement to LEA Career and Technical Education leadership and educators engaged in the teaching and advisement processes, in addition to the Delaware Office of Higher Education.
  • Invite Delaware Valley University to participate in the review process for this program of study.
  • Award separately, and in conjunction with Delaware Valley University, any credits earned as part of the program of study through Dual Enrollment or Dual Credit
  • Provide Delaware Valley University with a list of students meeting the requirements under this agreement annually.
  • Provide Delaware high schools offering this program of study with a list of students meeting, or projected to meet, the requirements under this agreement annually.

Students will:

  • Complete the coursework specified herein, earning a minimum grade of 80% in each course;
  • Earn a passing grade in each course(s) in districts utilizing a Pass/Fail grading system;
  • Meet the admission dates, procedures, and requirements that apply to all new students at Delaware Valley University.

Delaware Valley University will:

  • Award the agreed upon number of academic and/or technical credits for a period of up to three (3) years following high school graduation or GED conference.
  • Ensure credits are recorded on the student transcript.
  • For a period of three (3) years from date of award, accept articulated credits/courses from other postsecondary institutions with corresponding articulation agreements, in not less than the equivalent manner (and/or where applicable to the degree) as if said credits/courses would have been directly awarded through articulation.
  • Communicate details of this agreement to all stakeholders, which includes but is not limited to, academic leadership, department chair(s), faculty and adjunct faculty, customer service staff, program managers, career development office, and admissions.
  • Notify the DDOE Postsecondary Program Education Associate of any program discontinuances or substantive changes and plans to accommodate impacted students.
  • Provide the DDOE Postsecondary Program Education Associate with the number of students matriculating from the Delaware CTE program of study into Delaware Valley University with advanced standing under this agreement on March 1, or upon request, annually.
  • Award separately, and in conjunction with the applicable school district or charter, any credits earned as part of the program of study through Dual Enrollment or Dual Credit.


3. The Delaware Department of Education (“DDOE”) and Delaware Valley University enter into this articulation agreement in order to facilitate the enrollment of students from the Delaware Natural Resource Management Career and Technical Education (“CTE”) State Model Program of Study into Delaware Valley University. This agreement is valid for the time period specified above or until completion of the program of study revision cycle, whichever occurs first.

Subject to terms of this agreement, when a student completes the following coursework as part of an approved state model CTE program at the secondary level, the student may enter Delaware Valley University with the articulated credits specified below, resulting in advanced standing.

Program of Study Course(s):

  • Introduction to Natural Resources
  • Introduction to Environmental Science
  • Principles of Environmental Science
  • Environmental & Natural Resource Stewardship
  • AP Environmental Science

6 credits in any restrictive electives in the School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences.


The terms of this agreement are as follows: 

 Delaware Local Education Agency (LEA)/Delaware Department of Education will:

  • Submit, have approved, and make available the Delaware Natural Resource Management


Career & Technical Education (CTE) state model program of study in accordance with Delaware Department of Education requirements; 

  • Communicate details of this agreement to LEA Career and Technical Education leadership and educators engaged in the teaching and advisement processes, in addition to the Delaware Office of Higher Education; 
  • Invite Delaware Valley University to participate in the review process for this program of study;
  • Award separately, and in conjunction with Delaware Valley University, any credits earned as part of the program of study through Dual Enrollment or Dual Credit; and
  • Provide Delaware Valley University with a list of students meeting the requirements under this agreement annually.
  • Provide Delaware high schools offering this program of study with a list of students meeting, or projected to meet, the requirements under this agreement annually.


Students will:

  • Complete the coursework specified herein, earning a minimum grade of 80% in each course;
  • Earn a passing grade in each course(s) in districts utilizing a Pass/Fail grading system; and
  • Meet the admission dates, procedures, and requirements that apply to all new students at Delaware Valley University.


Delaware Valley University will:

  • Award the agreed upon number of academic and/or technical credits for a period of up to three (3) years following high school graduation or GED conference; 
  • Ensure credits are recorded on the student transcript;
  • For a period of three (3) years from date of award, accept articulated credits/courses from other postsecondary institutions with corresponding articulation agreements, in not less than the equivalent manner (and/or where applicable to the degree) as if said credits/courses would have been directly awarded through articulation;
  • Communicate details of this agreement to all stakeholders, which includes but is not limited to, academic leadership, department chair(s), faculty and adjunct faculty, customer service staff, program managers, career development office, and admissions; 
  • Notify the DDOE Postsecondary Program Education Associate of any program discontinuances or substantive changes and plans to accommodate impacted students;
  • Provide the DDOE Postsecondary Program Education Associate with the number of students matriculating from the Delaware CTE program of study into Delaware Valley University with advanced standing under this agreement on March 1, or upon request, annually; and
  • Award separately, and in conjunction with the applicable school district or charter, any credits earned as part of the program of study through Dual Enrollment or Dual Credit.

A three-year (2022-2025) state-wide Articulation Agreement, now grants academic credit to every Maryland student taking any or all the CASE coursework.


Bristol County Agricultural High School – Dighton, MA

Bristol County Agricultural High School students who successfully complete the Agriculture curriculum, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • AS1000 (3 Credits) – Survey of Animal Agriculture.  This course satisfies requirements in Livestock Science and Management, Equine Science and Management and Science Specializations and Dairy Science.
  • LAES 3147 (3 credits) – Today’s Sustainable Homestead.  This course satisfies requirements in Horticulture; Turf Management; Crop Science; Landscape Architecture; Landscape Design Build and Sustainable Agriculture.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Bristol County Agricultural High School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Norfolk County Agricultural High School – Walpole, MA

Norfolk County Agricultural High School Agri-science students who successfully complete the Animal Science, Environmental Science and Technology and Horticulture programs of study can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

Diesel and Mechanical Technology Program

  • PS 2013 – Ag Machinery
  • PS 2100 Ag Building Practice and materials
  • PS 2201 Ag Engines

Horticulture Program with a concentration in Urban Forestry

  • LAES 1301 – Plant Health Management
  • LAES 2118 –Woody Plant Materials II
  • LAES 2220 – Woody Plant Materials I
  • LAES 3225 – Arboriculture
  • PS 2101 – Botany of Vascular Plants

Horticulture Program with a concentration in Landscape

  • PS 2101 – Botany of Vascular Plants
  • LAES 2118 –Woody Plant Materials II
  • LAES 2220 – Woody Plant Materials I
  • PS 3114 – Intro to Turf Management
  • LAES 1125 – Intro to Design

Horticulture Program with a concentration in Horticulture

  • LAES 1301 – Plant Health Management
  • LAES 3232 – Floral Design
  • PS 2101 – Botany of Vascular Plants
  • LAES 2118 –Woody Plant Materials II
  • LAES 2220 – Woody Plant Materials
  • PS 4209 – Greenhouse Management

Environmental Science Program

  • LAES 1120 - Sustainability
  • LAES 3220 – Watershed Management
  • LAES 3125 – Principles of Ecology

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Norfolk County Agricultural High School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the courses and grades received by the student.


New York

Unadilla Valley Central School - New Berlin, NY

Unadilla Valley Central School students who successfully complete the CASE Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Animal, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Plant, CASE Agricultural Business: Research and Development, CASE Food Science Safety, CASE Agriculture Business Foundations, CASE Mechanical Systems in Agriculture, and CASE Agriculture Power and Technology can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following course:

  • CASE- Intro to Agriculture/Food and Natural Resources: (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business, or 3 credits as a restricted elective.
  • CASE- Principles of Agriculture Science- Animal (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Principles of Agricultural Science- Plant: (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.
  • CASE-Agricultural Business, Research and Development -(3 Credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits restricted electives in the Plant Science majors; Horticulture, Crop Science, Sustainable Agriculture, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sciences
  • CASE- Food Science Safety - (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits as FS 1203- Intro into Food Science.
  • CASE-Agriculture Business Foundations (2 credits)- This course satisfies 2 credits as an Ag Business restricted elective
  • CASE- Mechanical Systems in Agriculture- (2 credits)- This course satisfies 2 credits as an Ag Business restricted elective.
  • CASE- Agriculture Power and Technology-(2 credits)- This course satisfies 2 credits as an Ag Business restricted elective
  • DLT- Dairy Leaders of Tomorrow- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits AS 1000- Survey of Animal Agriculture.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Unadilla Valley Central School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Marathon Central High School

Marathon Central High School students who successfully complete the CASE Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Animal, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Plant, CASE Food Science Safety, and CASE Agriculture Business Foundations courses, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE – Intro to Agriculture/Food and Natural Resources (3 credits) -  This course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business, or 3 credits as a restricted elective.
  • CASE – Principles of Agriculture Science – Animal (3 credits) -  This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE – Principles of Agriculture Science – Plant (3 credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.
  • CASE – Food Science Safety – (3 credits).  This course satisfies 3 credits as FS 1203-Intro into Food Science.
  • CASE – Agriculture Business Foundations (2 credits) – This course satisfies 2 credits as an Ag Business restricted elective
  • Marathon Central High School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

McGraw High School

McGraw High School students who successfully complete the following courses can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University:

  • CASE- ASA- Animal (3 credits)- restricted elective in the Animal Science major
  • CASE- ASP- Plant (3 credits)- restricted elective in the Plant Science major
  • CASE- ABF- Ag. Business Foundations (2 credits)- restricted elective in Ag. Business

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Successful completion of the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Admission, listing the course and grade received by the student.

John Jay High School

John Jay High School students who successfully complete the CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Animal, and CASE Principles of Agriculture Science - Plant, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE – Principles of Agriculture Science – Animal (3 credits) -  This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE – Principles of Agricultural Science - Plant (3 credits).  This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • John Jay High School students must successfully complete the CASE classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

Carthage Central School District – Carthage, NY

Carthage Central School students who successfully complete the CASE curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE Principles of Agricultural Science-Animal: This course satisfies requirements in Large Animal Science or 3 credits with restricted electives.
  • CASE Food Science and Safety: This course satisfies 3 restricted elective credits within the Food Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Carthage Central School students must successfully complete the curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Carthage Central School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

John Bowne High School – Flushing, New York

John Bowne High School students who successfully complete the Animal Nutrition and Feeding, Introduction to Animal Science/Animal Husbandry, Construction Floral Designs, and Identifying Plant Products curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Animal Nutrition and Feeding: This course satisfies 3 credits of Restricted Electives within the Large Animal Science major.
  • Introduction to Animal Science/Animal Husbandry: This course satisfies 3 credits of Restricted Electives within the Large Animal Science major.
  • Construction Floral Designs: This course satisfies 3 credits of Restricted Electives within the Plant Science major.
  • Identifying Plant Products: This course satisfies 3 credits of Restricted Electives within the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • John Bowne High School students must successfully complete the Animal Nutrition and Feeding, Introduction to Animal Science/Animal Husbandry, Construction Floral Designs, and Identifying Plant Products curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).

John Bowne High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Barry Career and Technical Education Center  Westbury, NY

Barry Tech Career and Technical Education Center students who successfully complete the Horse Science I and Horse Science II classes, can receive university credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

• Horse Science I and II (3 credits) – Restricted elective in the Equine Science major. Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

Barry Career and Technical Education Center students must successfully complete the Equine Science courses with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4-point scale). Submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University Office of Undergraduate Admissions listing the courses and grades received by the student

Adirondack Central High School - Booneville, NY

Adirondack Central High School students who successfully complete the CASE Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Animal, and CASE Agriculture Business Foundations can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE- Intro to Agriculture/Food and Natural Resources- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business, or 3 credits as a restricted elective.
  • CASE- Principles of Agriculture Science- Animal- (3 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Agriculture Business Foundations- (2 credits)- This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in Ag Business.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Adirondack Central High School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.

John Bowne High School – Flushing, New York

John Bowne High School students who successfully complete the Animal Nutrition and Feeding, Introduction to Animal Science/Animal Husbandry, Construction Floral Designs, and Identifying Plant Products curriculum can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Animal Nutrition and Feeding: This course satisfies 3 credits of Restricted Electives within the Large Animal Science major.
  • Introduction to Animal Science/Animal Husbandry: This course satisfies 3 credits of Restricted Electives within the Large Animal Science major.
  • Construction Floral Designs: This course satisfies 3 credits of Restricted Electives within the Plant Science major.
  • Identifying Plant Products: This course satisfies 3 credits of Restricted Electives within the Plant Science major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • John Bowne High School students must successfully complete the Animal Nutrition and Feeding, Introduction to Animal Science/Animal Husbandry, Construction Floral Designs, and Identifying Plant Products curriculum with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • John Bowne High School students must submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Galway Jr./Sr. High School – Galway, NY

Galway Jr./Sr. High School students who successfully complete the CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science (Animal and Plant), and CASE-Agriculture/Food, Natural Resource curriculum, can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Animal:  (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives within the Animal Science major.
  • CASE-Principles of Agricultural Science – Plant:  (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.
  • CASE-Agriculture/Food, Natural Resource:  (3 Credits) – This course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Galway Jr./Sr. High School students must successfully complete the curriculum with a “B” average or better (3.0 GPA on a 4 point scale).
  • Submit an official transcript to Delaware Valley University Office of Admission listing the course and grade received by the student.

Southern Huntingdon School District

Southern Huntingdon School District students who successfully complete the Agriculture courses below can receive college credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • Plant Science I & II -  PS 2202 Field Crops I
  • Wildlife, Env, & Natural Resources I & II -  LAES 1120 Sustainability
  • Power, Structural and Technical Systems I & II – PS 2201 Ag Engines and Power
  • Animal Science I and II  - AS 1000 Survey of Animal Agriculture
  • Southern Huntingdon School District students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.
West Virginia

Tygarts Valley Middle/High School

Tygarts Valley Middle/High School students who successfully complete the CASE Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science – Animal, CASE Principles of Agriculture Science- Plant, and CASE Animal and Plant Biotechnology can receive University credit from Delaware Valley University for the following courses:

  • CASE- Intro to Agriculture/Food and Natural Resources (3 credits): This course satisfies 3 credits in AB 1100 Intro to Ag. Business, or 3 credits as a restricted elective.

  • CASE- Principles of Agriculture Science- Animal (3 credits): This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Animal Science major.
  • CASE- Principles of Agriculture Science-Plant (3 credits): This course satisfies 3 credits of restricted electives in the Plant Science major.
  • CASE- Animal and Plant Biotechnology (2 credits): This course satisfies 2 credits of restricted electives in the Agriculture Business major.

Acceptance of the curriculum by Delaware Valley University for these credits is based on the following:

  • Tygarts Valley Middle/High School students must successfully complete the CASE Agricultural classes identified above with a “B” average or higher (3.0 GPA on a 4- point scale), and submit an official transcript to the Delaware Valley University, listing the courses and grades received by the student.