Celebrating 125 Years of Experiential Learning

Welcome to the celebration of 125 years of Experiential Learning at Delaware Valley University. There are many ways to get involved! Share your memories, attend events, visit the Doylestown Historical Society exhibit, and contribute to the DelVal 125th Anniversary Scholarship Fund!

125th Anniversary Activities

A young woman smiling in class
Thank You for Supporting the 125th Anniversary Scholarship Fund
Share Your Memories

We invite you to share photos, videos or messages with your classmates and the DelVal community.

It’s very easy! Just click here.

Science with Practice - circa 1960

Celebrating 125 years of experiential learning
A early photograph of senior students in horticulture drive through a blossoming orchard.

Our History

From its start as the six-student National Farm School to its growth into a four-year multidisciplinary university, DelVal has steadily built on its reputation for personalized education and hands-on experience.

About DelVal... circa 1960

Celebrating 125 years of experiential learning
1961 jacket emblum
memorabilia in a display case
traveling ink well
Rabi Krauskopf's library desk
jr prom booklet
Experiential learning in the 1960s

Give to the 125th Anniversary Scholarship Fund

As we launch our 125th Anniversary Celebration at Delaware Valley University, we are asking you to consider providing access to a college education for a student with a gift to the 125th Anniversary Scholarship Fund. Your generosity will be part of a tradition as old as the University itself. Providing affordable education has been part of our mission from day one, and today, 99% of our students receive some level of financial aid. Please donate today. 

All gifts to the 125th Anniversary Scholarship Fund will be recognized on the 125th Anniversary website and in the fall 2021 issue of Horizons magazine.

Share your pictures, video, words



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Cornucopia Directory

Going back to 1924