We are here for your safety.
The Office of Public Safety implements/complements the Delaware Valley University mission as it relates to the safety of students, personnel and their guests while encouraging individuals to be responsible for their own safety and security, as well as the safety and security of college property.
The Office of Public Safety strives:
- To prevent, detect, and investigate criminal and non-criminal incidents.
- To enforce parking/traffic rules and regulations.
- To provide emergency and routine medical assistance.
- To provide security services for events at the college.
- To provide general services and assistance to college personnel, students, visitors and guests.
- To educate the college community of the service offered by the Public Safety and Security Department.
Although the Office of Public Safety provides a number of services, as a whole, it is an assisting department, working hand-in-hand with all offices and services of DelVal to achieve the mission of the University.
IN AN EMERGENCY: Dial 9-1-1 and then Public Safety at 215-489-4444 or x4444
NON-EMERGENCY: Dial Public Safety at 215-489-4444 or x4444
NON-EMERGENCY QUESTIONS: prepare@delval.edu
Walking alone? Call anytime 24/7 for a Public Safety escort: 215-489-4444

As a student at DelVal you are automatically enrolled in our text and email emergency alert system, Aggie Alert. This is the best way for you to receive timely information in the event of lightening, a tornado, or any potentially harmful situation. You have the right to opt-out at your discretion, but again, we strongly recommend that you stay enrolled in the AggieAlert system.
If you have questions about Aggie Alert or you believe you are not receiving messages, please email Carlos Rodriguez at carlos.rodriguez@delval.edu.
To submit a report for a student trip to an off campus location for purposes of mandatory Federal Clery reporting information please use the following link:
To assist in obtaining the necessary information required, you may also bring with you a copy of this PDF of the online form. Upon return please submit the information gathered into the online form within 15 days.
The first--and best--option is to get out if you possibly can. People have been shot while they froze in place a few steps from an exit door, said Scott Zimmerman of K17 Security. Encourage others to leave with you, but don't let their indecision keep you from going.
Choose an escape route carefully.
Don't run willy-nilly or blindly follow a crowd. Pause to look before you enter choke points such as stairwells, lobbies and exits to make sure you can move through them quickly and not get stuck out in the open.
Think unconventionally.
Doors are not the only exits. Open a window; if you have to break it, aim for a corner. See if the drop ceiling conceals a stable hiding place or a way to enter another room. You may even be able to punch through thin drywall between rooms.

Click for information on DelVal safety protocols and what to do in the event of an emergency. Please read!