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maintaining healthy habits blog student works out at delval.
How to Maintain Healthy Diet and Exercise Habits in College

If you want to maintain or, improve your diet and exercise habits during your freshman year, follow these tips.

student studying in the library
Tips to Improve Your Time Management Skills and Get Organized

Here are some tips and tricks that can help you avoid all-nighters.

Students walking to class on campus
Choosing a Major in College

DelVal diploma covers stacked up at graduation
To the Class of 2019, From DelVal Alumni

Caesar is studying with students in the library
5 Tips to Get through Finals

Group photo of place studies in Japan
Traveling to Japan with the Delaware Valley University Places Studies Course

Bucks County Youth Center Building
Compassionate Care of Adjudicated Youth in Bucks County

Lake Archer
Practicing Mindfulness Can Help Reduce Stress in College Students

Matt Mutchler
The Circle of an Educator’s Life

How Real-World Experience Makes You Employable